The Pitiful Cry Of A Dark Elf - Chapter Four.

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      Izumi was frozen in utter fear. He had no strength to move any of his bones or parts at all. He just stayed there in a shocked position, sat on his bottom.

That was when the lava started to slow down, and it then eventually stopped. When the paralysed young man finally opened one eye, he was greeted by a bizarre sight.

      In that utter moment, standing in front of him was a man possibly over six foot, his head was held low so no eye information was available at this moment. He was wearing a dark grey and purple helmet, possibly shaped into a dragon made of steel.

     Izumi had no energy to speak, nor move. He felt that the man in front of him was stealing it all away from him. He bit his lip and held in his breath, careful not to breathe in the fumes mysteriously swaying above them both. That was when he noticed that the man was wearing a quite unique armour - it was nothing like the things forged in stores.

     Izumi then remembered the day that he and his brother wanted to become knights. day... Izumi didn't want to, because the brother left him.

          The armour clearly had better days. The bright steel had now been shed and reduced to brittle, and he could've sworn that he saw some bone mixed in there too.
After fully examining his opponent, he found the energy to confront him. "W- who are you?!" Izumi gasped, croaking at his enemy.

        "I would tell you that.." His enemy turned out to be a male, as he continued and reached for his helmet, and then pulled it off.
Izumi's eyes widened at what he saw underneath the brittle helmet.
His enemy shook his silver-white hair down, which turned out to actually just reach his bottom. He opened his eyes to reveal his colour which was a cold, glaring amethyst.

      Izumi was paralysed, but not in fear. It was something else.
Sadness? Shock? He continued to rattle his brains on what was going on in his head.
Fuck! I'm already marrying Sara, goddammit!

       The amethyst-eyed man rested his chin on his hand. "Well, you said your vows so perfectly that I just couldn't refuse." He smirked, making his eyes halfway close. "They were just perfect for my liking~"

     Izumi was trembling. He didn't know what to do. The amethyst-eyed man rose his left brow and his elf ears slightly slumped at Izumi's reaction. "What's wrong, coward? You never seen a drow before?"

      Izumi growled at that and pounced onto the amethyst-eyed man, but he just smirked and grabbed onto Izumi's coat, throwing him into a rocky wall.
"G...god...dammit..." Izumi growled, gripping his side as the rocks pierced his skin.

      "There's no use running, you know that." The dark elf walked over to Izumi's injured body, taking his index finger and thumb onto Izumi's chin and lifting his chin up to meet the dark elf's gaze.

       The dark elf got closer as he started to invade Izumi's personal space, until they were nose to nose.
The dark elf slowly moved his head to the side, and that was all that Izumi remembered.

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now