Alcoholic Scars - Chapter Twelve

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What the fuck is this chapter name haha HAHAHAHAHAHA I am edgy I have scars and I am an ALCOHOLIC HAHAHAHHAH


I wonder when I will be freed from this mess. I just want to have a happy life with someone, nothing more. When I was thriving and alive I believed I had already found that someone I could the rest of my life with; however, as soon as we were about to elope Roroth stabs me nineteen times in the chest, strips me of my gold and hid me underneath that roasting hot rock for nearly seven entire decades.

I believe the reason my body is in such a decomposed state is due to where I was buried. I made a vow when I let out my last breath on that mountain - I would wait until a young man would free me from my eternal slumber by proposing by my grave. Then finally, I would be awoken and I would enjoy my unlife to the fullest.

However, it looks as if Izumi is still in love. I do not blame him, of course he must be scared of the blasted woman. I wonder if he was her sex slave before he ran into my arms. What a cruel and wicked broad.

"Hey there, lad! Slow down, will ya?!" I heard an elderly screech. I stopped in my tracks and realised that I was running through the land of the dead sobbing my sorrows away, I did not know why, I just was.

The old man who was attempting to converse with me caught his breath and leaned on my shoulder for good measure. "There you are! Now, can you tell me what's wrong? I'd like to help ye." He patted my back as I turned around to converse back.

"It is nothing..." I muttered. "I just got my heart broken. Nothing bad." I smiled through my pain, even though it hurt to an extent. He wrapped me into a hug, comforting my poor, undead soul. "Ooh, ye poor chap. It's gon be fine lad, ye'll find someone new, I swer." His voice had a foreign accent; one I was not familiar to, so his pronunciation was quite off.

He walked off, smiling at me. I waved back, with a grin on my face. Even if he was half skeleton, he did have quite a big behind, which made me uneasy for a couple seconds. When he left, I walked down to the bar where I had first taken the young man. Luckily, I was alone.

The bar was shut down today. Apparently, Bard and Chief needed a day off to relax. They are probably sipping white wine and eating chocolates, wasting their unlife away. I may seem rude, but for someone who has wasted seventy years being locked up underneath a rocky mountain, it sure was not a holiday resort.

I sat by the piano and tinkered along a few notes, waiting for time to pass by. For some reason, I have entirely forgotten who I was before I died. I can remember my death clearly, and wish that the man who brought the blade down on me could be delivered the exact same fate, but not just what happened before that. I had a close, but secret relationship with my killer; however, this was before I knew his true intentions.

I just want to go back and erase everything that happened to me, nothing else. I wanted to grow old, just like pipsqueak has...

Wait, pipsqueak?

Was that the name of someone from my past?

Why can I not remember anything...?

"Why so blue, big one?" I heard a voice and a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Bard and Chief. "Sorry Vath, but looks like we're opening up for today. Apologies for interrupting your private time." Chief informed me, getting behind the bar stand.

"It is alright. I understand." I replied, moving away from the stool.
"Hey, answer my question! Why do you look so down?!" Bard yelled in my face. I sighed, and slowly told him what was the matter. "Maybe he is right. Maybe we are too different to be married..." I muttered, still playing with a few notes.

"Well, maybe he should have his head examined!" Chief interrupted us, making him and Bard go into a pit of hyaena-like laughter. "I'm not kidding. I swear, I could do it for you."

"But it is true.." I continued. "He does belong with her..." I sighed, slumping up onto the piano. "Little miss living." I sulked. "With her rosy cheeks, dilating pupils, healthy skin...and a beating heart.."

"Oh, those types of people are tenpenny, if I have to be honest. You have so much more." Bard protested, leaning closer to me. "If I have to be honest, when Bard died he would force Krellenos to send him to the land of the living each week. He would spend his entire two hours looking into your bedroom window, and was so upset when he found out that you had already found someone else to love." Chief interrupted.

"C-Chief!" Bard protested, waving his arms about. "Don't act so RUDE!"

"Well, I wish he could have snatched me away that day. It would have been a lot better than suffering underneath a rock for nearly a whole century." I replied, leaning my head against the wall. "I would have taken that than be betrayed and stabbed by the man I was madly in love with, of course anyone would."

Bard and Chief went silent. "I... I'm sorry for your loss, Vath." Bard muttered, scratching the back of his neck. "Who better than the stunning Vattias Akika to be sent here, huh? Looks like we're the lucky ones!" Chief and Bard cracked up into laughter, once more ignoring the fact that I was deeply saddened by this situation. "Yeah...'stunning'..." I mumbled.

I leapt up and walked out, leaving Chief and Bard to open the tavern for the restless spirits that had nothing to do or were alone in afterlife.

I just wanted to be alone. I just wanted to be free.

I stopped in my tracks, letting the wind fly through my hair.

Maybe there is someone who can help me...

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now