Departed - Chapter Seventeen

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"I...I will be..."

I could not think. I could not speak. All I could do was stand.

She was there. She was standing there, in the corner of my eye, and was ready to watch her husband be taken away from her.

I do not want to do this...

They could have a life together. According to Izumi, they were going to be wed a few hours ago if he had not ran to the volcano and awoken me. So in a way, this is my fault.

"I will be your wine." Izumi ended for me, and put the glass to his lips.

"NO!" I screamed and grabbed it from him, spilling the liquid everywhere and leaving the entire church in shock.

"Is he having second thoughts?" I heard someone in the crowd speak. Izumi was surprised at my sudden reaction, and looked at me as if I was crazy. "V..Vath? Are you alright?" He asked, with an anxious expression. The tears swelled up in my eyes, until I ended up sobbing like a newborn and collapsed onto my knees.

Izumi knelt down and wrapped me into a hug, rocking me as if he was my mother. "Shush...shush...." He caressed my hair lovingly once more, while I hugged him tighter and hid in his chest so nobody could see my face.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?" Izumi asked me, with worry and concern in his voice. I lifted my head up to meet his gaze. "Your eyes!" Izumi gasped. When a drow ends up upset or angry, their eyes glow red. It has not been stated how the eye colour changes, but for some reason it does.

"Izumi..." I caressed his face with my hands. "I...I love you...I love, so much...the way you smile, the way you act.." I chuckled. "I love it." I turned my head down. "Which is why..which is why I cannot accept you as my husband. We cannot marry today; I apologise."

Izumi looked shocked. "W..what?" He asked. "What do you mean, we can't marry today? I thought you always wanted this!"

"Look at you, Izumi." I told him. "Now look at me. You were right before, we are too different for eachother." I smiled at him.

"B...but Vath, I love you!" Izumi barked back.
"You remember last night, right? The night we spent together?" I asked him. "Well, that whole entire night; you cried. You told me in your sleep that you missed her, you wanted to stay with the hybrid girl for the rest of your life, and you were desperate to see her again. I would not be surprised that you were thinking about her the entire time we were together."

Izumi looked defeated. He looked at me with great sorrow. "I... I'm sorry for that..." He told me sadly.
"Please, do not think of it as a rejection." I answered. "I love you.... I swear, I do. And if there was a way we could be together, I would risk my unlife for it."

"But you are not mine." I continued, trying hard to blink back my tears. "And even if I try to ignore that petty little fact, it will haunt me forever. You never, ever will be mine; no matter how hard I try to make you mine. I cannot do this."

"This is dreams of being happy and being a loving husband...were taken from me by force." I cried in his chest. "And now, I have stolen these dreams from someone else that I do not even know."

I looked to the end of the hall. "And if we even got married...I know that I always will be second best." I signalled the young lass to come forward, and she rushed over.

Izumi gasped, and they had their emotional reunion together. I sighed, and turned to the side. I had accepted my fate of being second best, and I had to live with it.

"Oh, how touching." I heard a familiar voice. "I always cry at weddings..."





"Our young lovers together at last..." He chuckled, walking closer to us. "Surely now, they can live happily ever after...but you forget.."

He grabbed the girl and held a sword by her throat. "SHE IS STILL MY WIFE! I will not leave empty handed." He yelled.

I was in such shock. I felt my legs go undone, my voice was shaky and stiff. I knew exactly who this is.



I growled at Roroth Brenkington.

He gasped in shock. "V...Vathie-kins?" He stammered, trying to smile.

"You." I growled more.

"B....but...but I left you..." Roroth still shook.

I sighed, and my anxiety rose to breaking point.
"For dead." I mumbled, trying to hold back my tears.

Everyone heard, and the crowd were all in a deep state of shock. "This man is obviously delusional!" Roroth retorted. Everyone seated in the pews began to rise up and glare at Roroth. He grabbed Izumi's bride by the hand. "Sorry to cut you short, but we must be on our way." He glared at me and Izumi.

Izumi looked as if he was not taking this. He walked calmly over to Roroth and his true bride, the woman with the ankle-length hair. "Take.your her." Izumi glared at Roroth, with cold eyes.

"Do I have to kill you, too?" Roroth asked, putting the blade dangerously close to Izumi's stomach. Suddenly, he shouted in pain as Yami, Izumi's dead brother bit him on the leg. Roroth pushed Yami into the crowd and the bride ran behind Izumi.

Izumi was defenceless. Roroth was armed. All Izumi had was the fork from Chief's bar, and that was it.

Roroth charged at Izumi while Izumi attempted defend himself with the fork. Me and his bride stood in shock as they went at eachother like rabid dogs, until Izumi poked Roroth in the behind with the fork. He yelped and Izumi got under the pews.

Roroth attempted to fight back against Izumi, but he reflected the hit with his fork. This caused Roroth to fall down. The pews fell down with him, and I pulled his bride away from the blow, to avoid her getting injured. She yelped in the process.

Roroth got up and kicked Izumi flat out in the chest, causing him to fall downwards and lose his fork. He was now unarmed. Anything could happen to him.

Absolutely anything.

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now