War In The Family - Chapter Ten

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I ran.

I ran, and ran as fast as my legs could take me. I knew the way. I knew the place. All I had to do was run.

The Akika manor was nearby, as I could see the gloomy mansion before me. I was going to make it in time.
I quickly stopped for a second and looked around, in case any unwanted guests were following me around. Luckily for me, I was alone.

Losing all of my common sense, I jumped onto a pillar that was behind the mansion and quickly began to climb up it. I didn't care, I had to see Sara.


Her beautiful olive skin, her gorgeous shining golden eyes, her ankle-length chestnut brown hair...

And her small, elongated ears.

I love you, Sara..


I let out a gentle hum as I fastened my rapunzel-like locks into two French braids, getting ready for bed. But I could not rest, and it was bothering me to an extent. It was not familiar for me to feel such compassion for someone who I had only known for a short period of time, and I could not help but worry.

Izumi has been missing for one, whole week. I do not know what has happened to him, and that is what worries me. The last time anyone saw him was at the rehearsal, and our wedding is happening in two days. We only have two days left to find him, and if we do not find him then I will be wed to someone else with enough money to leave the Akika's bankruptcy behind us.

I do not know how and why our family has been bankrupt, but we have had no money for as long as I can remember; which was when I was just the size of a toddler.

My grandfather, who was very adventurous and quite a risk taker, used to tell me about his brother who had been exiled from the family for being madly in love with someone of his gender, since my great-grandfather refused for my great-uncle to be wed to another man.

This resulted in my great-uncle being exiled. Being exiled means that your portraits would be taken and removed from the family, and you would no longer be remembered. My grandfather had no idea what happened to my great-uncle after that, as he was thrown out of the Akika manor and forced to frolock with the peasants until he took his last breath.

We were not meant to talk about my great-uncle after his exile. However, as I said that my grandfather was a risk taker, he believed that he could break the rules just once for me when I was a child, who was begging to hear the story of the exiled man. My great-uncle had a few tapes, and it was said that he had a beautiful voice. I had only listened to one, and the rumours were true. I must have been curious to who he was because of that.

I began working on my quilt that I wanted to sell to a few poor children across the street. I think it is extremely important for the rich to give to the poor, however, my parents think the opposite, and if they realised that I was weaving my old shawl and putting a few of my best fleeces into the quilt they would have gone mad and I would be locked in my room.

All of a sudden, I heard a loud yelp outside, which interrupted my thoughts. I quickly turned around to the glass door which led to my outside balcony, expecting to see someone, or something there; but it turned out there was no one in sight. I sighed, and turned over to my quilt again.

Then, I heard a knock on the glass window, which made me jump. I quickly turned around, and I met eyes with someone who I was not expecting to see at all.

"Izumi..?" I asked myself, running to the door. I quickly let him in, and he instantly replied by running in. He wheezed, leaning on the door and recovering from a lack of oxygen. "S...Sara!" He smiled, looking down at me. "I..Izumi..." I smiled back.

"I am so relieved to see you, I.." I told him, then hesitated. "Never mind. Come by the fire." I took him by the hand and sat him beside me on the fluffy brown sofa. "Where have you been?" I asked him. "Are you alright?" I kept ahold of his hand, feeling deep concern for him.

"I....I..." He mumbled, scratching his neck.
"You feel like death, what has happened to you?" I interrupted, but not on purpose. My eyes focused on his body, then realised that his jacket had been ripped. "Y....your!"

"Sara, I confess." Izumi interrupted me. "Seven days ago, I was terrified of marriage. But when I met you, I just thought that I should be with you always, and our wedding could not come soon enough."

I could not believe what I was hearing, and was so overjoyed I could not wait to reply. "Izumi...I feel the same way..." I smiled at him. He smiled back and let go of my hand, then put his hand on my cheek. He began to lean forward towards me, and I could not help but get closer.

I just wanted to stay like this forever. Me and Izumi sitting by the fire for the rest of time.

Unfortunately, that was not possible. Izumi quickly pushed me away in horror as he looked at the glass door. He cupped my chin with both hands and began to speak. "Sara, please listen to me when I say this, and it may sound quite unbelievable, but I have found myself to be...married. But rest assure, it's unexpected!"

When I turned around to the window, all I saw was a pair of pink, glowing eyes, and then the door shattered apart, just like a mirror. I whimpered in panic, hiding me and Izumi on the sofa, fear of the glass hitting us both.

"My sweet, I apologise for the entrance. I just wanted to m-" I heard a soft, gentle voice that was similar to silk. I couldn't help but think that I knew this voice from somewhere, but I could not remember where, and it frustrated me a lot.

When I turned my head, I met gazes with a man scarley over six foot, who had cold and empty pink eyes. His skin was indigo blue, and had rotted away on his right cheek, his left arm and right leg. He wore a grey and lilac striped tux, which was in terrible condition. Everything apart from his hair just screamed undead.

The drow fixed his waist length silver-white locks and looked at Izumi. "Sweetheart..." He began to speak, then looked down at me. "Who is this?" He sounded as if he was suspicious, but still spoke with such softness and flamboyance.

"Who are you?" I asked him, staring him and pointing my eyes at him like daggers. He let out a small laugh at my facial expression. "Oh, let me tell you, missy." He chuckled, taking off his left glove. I had only known this man for less than a minute, but all I wanted to do was to ask him to leave so I could talk to Izumi and ask him what was going on.

"I'm his husband." The drow stated, showing off his boned hand to me, which had a golden ring on the ring finger. So this was the person Izumi was talking about.

Izumi widened his eyes as soon as the drow spoke those works and shook it off with a loud, forced laughter. "Oh Sara, it's okay! He can't be my husband." He chortled, grabbing the drow's hand. "Look, he's dead!" Izumi began to shake the drow's hand at me, and when I averted my gaze to the tall elf, he looked like he was about to commit murder.

Izumi shook so hard that the drow's arm actually dropped off and the drow flounced to the broken door, arm following him on its own.

"Dimitte mortous ad infernos."
As soon as the drow spoke those words, he grabbed Izumi, with pure anger in his eyes. Izumi yelped and screamed, trying to get back to me. A flock of crows came right out of nowhere, surrounding them. The drow dragged Izumi outside, while he screamed for help. "NO! WAIT!" Izumi cried out, but it was too late. The birds took them off, and they vanished out of sight, as I still heard Izumi's cries of help echoing in my mind, and the drow's cold hearted laughter.

As soon as they were gone, I realised why I found that dead man's voice to be so familiar. The man on the tapes was him.

"Brother..." I heard a small voice behind me. When I turned around I met face to face with my grandfather, who's face was stroked with tears.

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now