Yami - Chapter Six

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As Izumi slowly undid the final knot in the ribbons of the present he opened the box. It just had a white bone in it. "Uh...thanks..." Izumi said, very dissatisfied. That was when the box started to move, and shake violently. Then the bones spilled out and started to resemble a human figure. The moonlight shined on it, and then it turned into a boy with short white hair and red eyes.

"Is....is that...?" Izumi whispered in shock. "I...Izu...." The red eyed boy muttered. "IZUMI!" He screamed and wrapped him in a hug. "Y...Yami..." Izumi mumbled, with tears running down his cheeks. "Oh Izumi...I've missed you so much...and now...you're here!" Yami sobbed of happiness.

"He's such a cutie...isn't he...?" Vath told Izumi, patting Yami's head. That made the red eyed boy pout and cross his arms. "Boy, if he was still living you would've been thrown about three yards." Izumi chuckled. "He was such a trouble maker when he was little."

"Well....what happened?" Vath asked. That made the two siblings stand motionlessly. "Would you rather not talk about it?"
"No...I do want to...its just..." Izumi told him. "It's sad...you know...once they're gone, that's when you realise how much they mean to you."

"Well that's okay now, isn't it?" Yami said, hugging Izumi. "Because you're now staying forever!"
That made Izumi's eyes widen in fear. "W...wait...what?" He tried to ask Yami what was going on. "If you made it down here, that means you died in the land of the living."

Izumi turned his head towards Vath and gave him a death glare. "Did you have anything to do with this?"
Vath tilted his head to the side. "I don't know what you mean. All I did was bring you over here. I don't exactly remember sticking a knife in your chest before you came here."

"Yes. But I was injured before I came here. And now I'm all healed up." Izumi inquired. The drow then rolled his eyes and sighed. "Any type of organism who has unattended wounds will be healed automatically. Its the rules of the land of the dead." Vath told him.

That was when Yami pushed two fingers onto Izumi's wrist. The coldness of Yami's body temperature made Izumi yelp and bite his lip to keep himself from screaming. That was when he heard a few gentle throbs every second. "See. You're alive. Don't question your spouse that way again." Vath tutted.

"Wait, you guys are married?" Yami asked, tilting his head to the side. "A-ah! No! No!" Izumi tried to explain.
"Aww! That's adorable!" Yami told them, his eyes shining.

"Hey....can I at least tell Mother and Father about our...upcoming wedding?" Izumi let out. He had a plan coming on. "Well, I don't really know any....places to get to the land of the living by foot..." Vath told him, shaking his head. "Well...maybe you could ask...

That name made Vath jump. He grabbed Yami by his tie. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" He yelled at Yami. "THAT TROLLISH PIECE OF SHIT HATES ME!"
"Worth a shot." Yami sighed.

"Well." Izumi said, rising out of the bench. "Where is he?"

"He sits at the top of that big tower over there." Vath told them, pointing up to a giant building in the middle of the view, towering over them.

"UGH. Is there stairs? Please tell me there's no stairs. I've done enough climbing today." Izumi yawned.

"Well, I don't know. I've never been up there myself." Vath told Izumi.

"Well." Yami said, grabbing them both by the hand. "Let's go!" He started running at a supernatural speed, down the cliff.

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now