According To Plan - Chapter Two

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A/N: The song in the media is the song that Izumi plays on the pianooo, the pic in media is Sara, but she has golden eyes and brown hair instead.

Ok let's get going.

    "Come on Izumi!" Mrs Takari screeched at him and straightened his jacket. "We need you 110% spiff and proper for meeting with the Akika's!" She grabbed him by the jacket and hurled him across the door. "Now now darling, he doesn't need too much.." His father tried to tell her.
"And why is your fringe like that again?! I told you to slick it up with the aftershave!" His Mother continued to lecture him. "Oh, this wedding! Its going to be a failure!"

         Izumi sighed and rolled his eyes. "Mother. Its going to be fine! You don't have to worry about me so much all the time." He flicked back his pink braid and sighed. That was when the door flew open, revealing the faces of Lord and Lady Akika.

       Lady Akika wore a type of corset that was so tight that you could see her ribs underneath any sort of dress she wears. All sort of beauty had been drained from her face - all she was now was just a stern old woman. Meanwhile Lord Akika was on the very chubby side, and had a giant moustache.

            However later on, there was a maid taking care of a young woman upstairs.
"But Heidi....what if Izumi and I don't love eachother?" The young woman asked her maid with sad eyes.
"That's nonsense." Lady Akika poked her thin face through the doorway glaring at her younger daughter.

      "But Mother...Don't you and Father love eachother too?" The young woman sighed at her stern mother. "That's absurd! Remember, the only reason you're marrying those idiots son is because we need to stay out of the workhouse! There's no money left!" Lady Akika moaned.

        The young woman sighed. "And tighten up that corset! You can't see your ribs!" Lady Akika stormed out of the bedroom. The young woman rested her chin on her hand and she sighed deeply of sorrow. "I heard he's quite a nice fellow. Maybe you two will get along." The maid told the young woman. "As if..." The young woman replied.

      As the two families were sitting sipping tea and enjoying their crumpets, our main character Izumi Takari slipped out of the room unnoticed and made his way into the hall where he found a small grand piano with a vase of purple freesias starting to gently age and wilt.

    The young man made his way to the grand piano, his fingers gently ran across the cold black wood, before sitting on the black leathered stool. He slowly pressed one of the keys, as it made a little tinkering sound. He smiled and pressed more keys, then suddenly got into a song.

          He was so into the song, that he didn't realise that someone snuck up behind him. He screeched, falling off the chair and nearly tipping over the vase. "I- I'm so sorry!" He yelped and pulled the stool up again. He looked up at the person who was behind him and gasped.

        He was met face to face with a beautiful young woman with peached golden eyes and she had the longest hair he had ever seen - down to her toes, in fact. She tilted her head to one side and bit her lip and held her hands together. "You play beautifully." The young woman replied to his apologies. She lifted her fragile body up onto the piano and swung her legs, running her finger down the keys.

       "My mother never let me near the piano.... She thinks its too passionate for a lady like me and I should stick to being pretty." She twirled a lock of her brown hair and sighed. "That's too bad, Miss Akika." Izumi replied.

         The woman chuckled at that. "Oh please, call me Sara...we're supposed to we should call each other by our first names." She told him. Izumi nodded.
        "You know...I've always dreamed of my wedding day. Ever since I was little I've always wanted to settle down with someone that I loved very much....that's silly....isn't it..." Sara sighed. "No...I don't think it's silly." Izumi replied.

A voice erupted from the gloomy room. Izumi and Sara looked down in shock to find the two couples glaring at them. "It's one minute to the ceremony rehearsal and you're just chatting here! Get down here now!"

      Izumi sighed and slumped down to the throne room while Sara daintly followed him, both of them preparing for something that would change their lives forever.

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now