Tower Of Secrets - Chapter Seven

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"Right." Vath said, opening the final door of the castle. Izumi was panting loudly, collapsed on the floor on his stomach. Yami was sitting on the wall with his legs crossed, upside-down.

       "Yami." Vath whispered sternly. "Get down from there. You're asking."
After he said that, Yami groaned. "No, I don't want to!"
"No. He won't let Izumi do it since he's not dead, and he hates me so we'll probably end up in a world of shit. So it has to be you." Vath told him, pulling him down.

       Yami sighed. "Okay..." He floated down and entered the room first. "Lord Krellenos? Its me, Yami." He bit his lip as he entered the room.
"Oh, Yami! Come in." A gruff voice suddenly spoke. Yami grabbed Izumi by the sleeve and pulled him in, while Vath brought out a crystal to spy on them all.

      "Oh, hello sir Yami. Oh! And it looks like you've brought someone from the upstairs too." Krellenos told them both.

He seems like a nice guy. Izumi thought. I don't understand why Vath was so upfront and negative about him.

        "You see, my brother Izumi is married to one of the people here, and he needs to get back upstairs to tell his parents about the wedding!" Yami beamed, smiling. Krellenos laughed. "Oh, how splendid! I love weddings! Of course, I'll give a teleportation spell to you immediately. You only have two hours maximum in there or else your bodies will start to crumble and you won't be allowed back."

      Krellenos started to get a few books out, but then he stopped and slumped.
"There's someone else out there, aren't they?" The troll scoffed. "Come out, Vath."

      Vath slowly walked into the room with his arms folded. "Seriously, why do you keep on dragging people down here? Its ridiculous!" Krellenos yelled. Vath let out a little 'tsh' sound. "You've got to be kidding me. He proposed."

      That was when Krellenos fell down in shock. "Wh...Wh...WHA?! YOU PROPOSED TO VATH?!"
"Is that a bad thing?" Izumi said craftily. Krellenos grabbed Izumi by the jacket and let him stare into the trolls orange dead eyes. "You do not child...he is a monster. He will only use you as a tool for intercourse."

      Izumi's eyes widened. It couldn't possibly be - the drow was so nice and protective over him. If Izumi wanted something, he probably would've tried to do anything to make it happen. But as his mother told him one day, that behind every kind personality will always be a dark tyrannical side that no world has ever seen before.

          Izumi growled and closed his eyes for a second. "Just leave him alone, okay? Stop filling his head up with lies." Vath told them, walking up and pulling Izumi away from Krellenos. Yami was speechless. He didn't know what to do. It was as if every part of his body had froze and compelled him to stay there. That was when Vath removed his gloves to reveal a skeleton hand underneath.

     Izumi stepped back while Vath's boned hand grew into a sword and it impaled Krellenos in his throat. The troll started vomiting up a black liquid that was unidentifiable. He let out an agonised screech, then Izumi heard a few words in his mind.

"Don't trust Vath..

It's the reason he's down here, anyway."

      Izumi gasped at those words, and then when he revived his consciousness, Vath was on his knees, removing the boned knife, as it shaped back into a hand.

"Well, my darling..." Vath told him,
turning his head around to see Izumi. His eyes were empty, like a corpse; and the right side of his face was smothered with an unidentifiable black liquid.

"Let's start working to get that potion."

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now