A Promise - Chapter Three.

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Ignore the media plox the music is so pretty you must hear it

"With this candle..."

The whole audience of four people let out a groan.

"This is the part that he always messes up..." Izumi heard groans from the background. He sighed and bit his lip.

"Your cup will never empty... For I will be your..." "Y...your..."

"Hand." The priest told him in a sharp tone. "Aha. With this, hand.." Izumi smirked and took Sara by the hand, gently walking, but he slammed them both into the altar. "Three steps. THREE! DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO COUNT, BOY?!" The priest gelled at him.

      "Don't tell me he forgot the ring, too..." Lord Akika groaned.
"Ah yes! The ring...." Izumi slipped it out of his pocket, accidentally dropping it. He yelped as it rolled away, down into Lady Akika's dress. Izumi scampered up and collected it like a scavenge hunt. Unfortunately, his candle was still signed, resulting for lady Akika's skirt and petticoat being set alight.

      She screamed and ran around the place, causing the whole room to be in panic. Sara looked down at the floor, her fringe covering her peached golden eyes. Izumi's expression turned sullen as he clenched his fists and ran out of the house.

    "He's going to come back soon, its getting dark. He's terrified of it." Mr Takari told the other couple, while Sara was silent. "Let's just wait until he comes back." Mrs Takari said, and then they all agreed.

Izumi darted out of the mansion, running up a rocky mountain. When he had finally recognised his whereabouts, he realised that he was on top of a volcano. He had to be careful in this situation. One wrong move, and this whole place could erupt, tearing him apart.

       He gently tiptoed around, thinking of his lines. "With this hand....I will cup your..." Izumi trailed off, putting his hands to his chest. "Ooh, goodness no."

    "With this candle...I will set your Mother on fire."

      Izumi bit his lip and looked around the unerupted volcano. That was when he did it.

"With this candle...I will light your way through darkness." He said, taking a thin piece of rock. "Your cup, will never empty. For I will be your wine."

"With this ring...." Izumi continued. "I ask you, to be mine...." He said, placing the ring on a rock that was carved into a hand.

That was when a huge eruption started to implode from the ground and the rock hand had vanished - a huge spurt of lava exploded from the ground in front of him. All he had to do was watch in fear as this happened, all his muscles turned off in pure cowardice.

    That was when he heard a deep, rich voice that was haunting to his ears, gently echo.

"I do."

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now