A Hidden Past Finally Uncovered - Chapter 11

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"G...Grandfather..?" I asked him. "D...did you just say what I thought you said?" I hoped what I heard was wrong, since I was still in shock. But I could be wrong.

"Sara..." My grandfather wept, and sat on the sofa. "T..the man that took your future husband from you, he was my brother." He reached out for my hand, and I took his. "I... I can't believe this is h-happening...g-ghosts are attacking the Akika manor and killing the living..."

"Izumi is still alive." I interrupted him. "I know it. He's stronger than this. He's going to do what he has to do, and he's going to come back in one piece. I put my fist against my chin and looked out to the shattered door.

I really hope I'm right...

Grandfather whipped his handkerchief out of his blazer pocket and blew his nose, still shaking. I began to rub his back slowly, trying to comfort him. "Everything is going to be alright, I know it is a shock for you." I still rubbed his back, making sure I listened to him.

"I..I just... cannot believe..this...Vath... he's been dead for seventy years, how can he...." My grandfather broke down again, shaking even more. "T-the next time I thought I'd see him again would be the afterlife.." He chuckled. "He called me pipsqueak when he was alive, because I was so small next to him...a-and when I saw him with Roroth that day...t..that was the last time I saw him...and.."

He turned to look at me. "It was the 70th anniversary of his death eight days ago, and I saw them that day..I saw Roroth stab my brother to death and he hid my brother's body in Mount Stalwart, the volcano of miracles. Everyone thought I was crazy, but I knew what I saw, and I knew it was true..."

"I believe you, grandfather. But on one condition.." I told him. He looked at me again, curious as to what I had to say. "We have to tell this to my parents that my husband to be is in danger, and I can use you as my witness."

"W-what?!" My grandfather exclaimed. "Sara sweetheart, this is madness!" He got out of his chair. "No one will believe us!"

"I do." A voice echoed out from the distance behind us. We both turned around to see Lottie, my mother's maid. "Farlanne, what do you mean your elder brother's rose from the grave? I thought he died when you were a teenager!

"I will explain to you, Lottie." Grandfather then cleared his throat, and began.

Flashback - 1863 - Akika Manor


"Brother?" I knocked on the varnished door. "Brother, Father has Vayle and her family waiting for you. If you don't go down he's going to get mad!" Unluckily, I had no reply. "B..brother...do you even care about.." I trailed off, because I heard voices. I slowly put my ear against the door.

"W..what if someone catches us? M..my family are ver-" A familiar voice was quickly hushed. "It will be all right, I promise." A man's voice hushed him.
"Oh, Vath..." The same man muttered, then I heard a moan. "I cannot wait until you leave that woman at the altar, so we can be together."

"Please, love me forever."

A few seconds later I heard a few more gasps and was angered. How could my brother betray the Akika name by sleeping with another man? It was preposterous! I burst into the room, locking eyes with him.

"P... pipsqueak!" Vath was startled, leaving Roroth's chest. Roroth was half naked and Vath had his shirt unbuttoned, clinging to the blue-eyed drow for his life. It was clear that Vath was afraid of me telling on him, and I could see why. Acts of homosexuality was a serious crime and my elder brother could be exiled from the Akika family tree if he was proven to be a homosexual; or even worse, he could be stoned if my father told the entire town.

And I was not having it.

"B.. brother..." I stared at him in shock.

"I knew it..." A voice muttered behind me with pure anger. When I turned around, Father was standing behind me; and he was giving Vath such a hateful glare that I had never seen him give someone before.


"You LIED to me!" Vath screeched, his eyes bright red with rage. "Just so you could get back with that SLUT! She's tearing up our marriage, she's ruining everything I've ever hoped for!"

"I... Vath... don't you understand?" I explained. "You're the one tearing up my marriage!" I felt horrible for saying it, but he needed the truth. "No!" Vath retorted. "You are married to me, and me alone! SHE is the one who has ruined my unlife!" He turned away, sobbing his heart out.

"Sorry bro, but he's got a point! What were you doing messing around with women?" Yami asked. Izumi ignored him, trying to explain to Vath about the misfortune.

"A...and I thought this was all going so WELL!" Vath continued to sob, but I heard a popping sound which forced me to look onto the grass. A white and purple ball slowly rolled away from Vath and hit a nearby tree trunk. I picked it up and realised it was moist, so I wiped it with my blazer. To my horror I realised that I had just picked up Vath's eye, which must had popped out while he was having his tantrum.

I walked over to him and tried to set things right. "Look, I'm sorry. But you and I.. we're just too different." I explained to Vath. "It is my eye...is it not?" He accused.

"No, no!" I replied, giving him back the eye. "Your eye, is...lovely." I wheezed a little as I heard Vath popping his eye back into his socket. "It's just, you're dead."

"Well, you should have said that before asking to marry me, you doofus!" Vath retorted.
"Why can't you understand?! It was a mistake! I would never marry you!" I shouted back at him.

Realising what I had just said to the man I clasped my mouth in shock. "I...I.."
Vath leaned his head down and sighed. He walked off, his long silver-white mane trailing behind him.

"Well bro...you sure blew it this time." Yami sighed.

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now