To The Land Of The Living - Chapter Nine

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"Are you ready, my sweet?" A silky voice crooned from above my view. My instincts almost instantly lifted my head up to get sight of the person who was attempting to converse with me. As soon as their face came into my vision, I came to discover it was Vath, the living homosexual corpse.

Before we get into deep detail of how I called him a living corpse, he doesn't exactly look like a corpse. Well, not entirely. His cheek had rotted and his right cheekbone was now visible to the naked eye, while his bright pink eyes were completely empty, and showed no signs of life at all. He was extremely skinny, but also still quite muscular. I still wonder how that was entirely possible.

The skin on his left hand from his elbow had completely rotted away and only showed bone, which was still quite brittle, which was the same for his right leg. If I had to be honest, the only thing that made him look alive was his hair. It feels as if his locks still were alive and breathing, just sitting there on the cadaver's head.

"Are you two lovebirds ready to go now?" Yami huffed. "Honestly brother, quit it! You're getting married in a few days, act up!" He turned to me, giving me a glare like ice.

"Wow, sorry! Can I space out for two seconds, please?" I whined at Yami, then sighed. "Yes. I'm ready to go now."

"Okay." Yami said, opening up the book he retrieved from Krellenos. "This potion will take you to the land of the living. If you are to return to the grave, then say this line." He cleared his throat, readying himself to say the words.

"The words are Dimitte mortous ad infernos." Yami explained. Vath let out a chuckle as soon as he said that. "Send the dead back to death? How cruelly fitting!" Vath chortled, folding his arms.

Yami broke the bottle containing the potion, and the liquid was splashed over us.

I can't remember what fully happened, but all I know is that Yami was waving to me, and then I was in that same place, back where the volcano was. But this time, the corpse I resurrected here was standing in that same place with me.

"I spent my entire life in the dark for so long..." I heard Vath mutter, which made me instantly turn around. "That I'd almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is reflecting on the molten lava." As soon as I heard him say that, a butterfly flew right across us. Vath began to follow it with curiosity, his long mane flowing behind him.

He looked like a dancer, following that silver butterfly with purple wings. I just couldn't help but look straight at him while he moved around with such grace and poise, he was so perfect. I couldn't help but turn red at the sight of him.

I didn't realise that Vath had made his way back to me, rubbing his nose against mine. He chuckled and skipped back to the butterfly, acting like a child. It was as if this was his first time in the land of the living out of his grave.

Oops. Almost forgot, it was.

I turned to the other side, ignoring Vath as I planned to ditch him to see Sara again to talk to her about all of the crazy things that had been occuring these few days. While I was thinking of a plan, Vath's child-like giggles of laughter were suddenly silenced by a loud OOF! sound, the tear of clothing and a body hitting the floor.

What I didn't know was that Vath had actually tripped on a tree root, and his right leg (yes, the bone one.) had came off. I know this because when I turned around, he was frantically rolling up his trousers to find his tibia so he could connect his lost leg onto it. He was successful, but he caught me watching him do it, which made his cheeks flush purple.

"There it is again!" I pointed out. "You keep on getting random bursts of body heat on your cheeks!"

Vath was shocked and quickly ended his walk to feel his cheeks, which both were roasting hot. He must've been suprised too, as he was dead and should be incapable of experiencing body heat. I walked over to him, getting on my tiptoes and forcing him to sit on a nearby rock. "Hold on, hold on." I began to speak. "How about I go ahead, and you wait here?" I suggest to him, in a tone which was more like forcing him.

"Perfect!" Vath smiled, clapping his flesh and bone hands together, with a smile on his face. It was obvious that he was in a good mood. "I won't be long, I promise. Stay right here. I'll be right back." I creeped away from him, trying to get away from him as far as possible.

"Okay." He nodded. It seemed like he trusted me; which was a good thing. The problem was, how long was that trust of his going to hold out for?
"NO PEEKING!" I screamed out to Vath, making him clutch his elongated ears in fright. I just wanted to make sure, okay?

As soon as Vath turned his head, looking down at the molten lava, I rushed down that volcano. I rushed for my life, desperate to see my bride again.

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now