A Suprising Guest - Chapter Sixteen

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"Gather around, everyone!" I exclaimed to the entire land of the dead. I stood beside Vath on the higher ground, while everyone looked up at us. When everyone had came around, I began to speak again. "We've decided to this this a better way. So grab what you can, and follow us." I explained. "We're moving this wedding party upstairs!"

Everyone was in shock, and was confused why we would go upstairs. I guess they don't know about my planned death yet. Everyone followed us while me and Vath were fussed over, while the people were getting ready to make it the best wedding ever.

* * * * *

"Ooh!" I heard a voice behind me. "Here he comes!"

Vath slowly walked down the stairs, twirling and letting out a few giggles, with a smile on his face. I didn't understand it, but I wanted to smile along with him. It was as if his happiness was rubbing off on me, which could be a good thing, I guess.

The men walked me off to the portal while the women dragged Vath, we looked at eachother, exchanged looks. "Good luck." He mouthed to me, before turning back and leaving my range of vision. We all marched off, everyone, cake and all to the land of the living.


Lottie slowly brought our cake in, putting it on the table. I sat beside Roroth the murderer and my grandfather was on my other side. It was obvious that my grandfather was terrified of Roroth.

How are you enjoying my husband, Vattias? You filthy nancy; you are to blame my marriage to this disgusting old man. I wish you and my husband deep misfortune in your afterlife. I will curse you both until my dying breath.

"Quiet down, everyone." Roroth spoke, even though no one was talking. "Thank you."

"Elegance, culture, radiance. Sara has found a husband with all these traits." He gave me such a perverted smirk that I wanted to be sick. What the hell did that nancy see in this perv?

"No force on earth will bring us apart." Roroth chuckled. I stood there stock still, frozen. Suddenly, the fire turned green. Roroth screamed, getting away from me. Everyone exchanged glares of anxiety, until I saw some skeletons approach mother and father from behind.

They were about to pounce, until a pale-skinned man with black hair's eye fell out and into my father's soup. He picked it up with the spoon, and examined it. "There's an eye in me soup." Father muttered.

Then, my aunt screamed and everyone ran off, desperate to get away from the undead. Roroth pushed me and hid under the table. Everyone tried to run away and leave. Even my parents were terrified, but I just could not believe what was happening.

If they are here...

That means Vattias is here. Then I can punish him.

They were running away, but the dead just followed them.

When I looked out the window, I suddenly realised that the dead were not threats.
They smiled at their loved ones, and were basically just like us.

I sat in the destroyed dining hall with Roroth, who was panicking. "Right. We grab all the money we can and get out of here." He grumbled at me.
"Money?" I asked. "What money?"

"Your dowry, stupid girl! I have the right!" He growled at me.

"But my parents do not have any money." I replied calmly. "It is my marriage to you that will save me and my family from the poorhouse."

"T...the POORHOUSE?!" Roroth shouted at me in pure anger. He grabbed me by the shoulders and lifted me up. "YOU LIE, DESPICABLE GIRL! YOU DO NOT SPEAK THE TRUTH!" He yelled in my face.

"Did things not go according to your plan Lord Brenkington?" I asked him with a smirk. I pushed his hands off me. "Perhaps, in disappointment we are perfectly matched." I told him, running off and grabbing my skirts so I could rush off faster.

As soon as I walked out of the Akika manor, I was met with an old lady snogging the life out of a skeleton. I tried my best not to puke and walked on. They were trying to get into the church.

A wedding?

That means....

Izumi and the nancy are getting married!

I quickly followed them to the church, and for some reason the priest was not there, but a pale-skinned man with a huge beard. He had gouged out eyes and was holding a bottle of wine I had never ever seen before. I hid in the back while the wedding commenced.

The organ began to play, as I saw the man who smashed my door walked down the aisle. I glared at him, but he didn't notice my presence. His long, white mane reached to the bottom of his knees, and it swished around him like an aura of light energy. Izumi looked at him from the top, and smiled at him.

What does he think he is doing...stealing my husband?!

When the nancy walked up to the altar, him and Izumi held hands and smiled.

"Dearly beloved, and departed." The pale man began to speak. "We are gathered here today to join this man and this corpse in holy matrimony."

"Izumi...?" I tried to call out to him, but a skeleton noticed me and gestured for me to quiet down. The pale-skinned man looked at Izumi. "Begin first." He said.

Izumi turned to my late great-uncle; "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows." He told the corpse. "Your cup, will never empty. For I will be your wine." He wrapped his nimble fingers on the wine glass and held it. The pale-skinned man turned to the corpse and spoke. "Now you." He said.

Vath smiled at my husband, and sighed. "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows." He told Izumi. "Your cup, will never empty." He lifted the wine bottle and poured "For I will be..." He suddenly trailed off.

Then he met my gaze and gasped. I hid further into the pillar, cringing because he saw me. "I....I will be..." My great-uncle muttered, not leaving my sight. It was clear that Vattias was in peril, but nobody knew why.

Would Izumi notice that I was here to destroy the wedding? It all came down to me. Vattias was in the middle of getting cold feet, and was at a lost for words.

A izath shipping fic I made when I was 14 god help meWhere stories live. Discover now