Im a monster

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Kay's POV.

It was white all around me. No noises, and and nothing to see. I looked around. I walked, but every time I did the ground sank. I was getting Lower and lower. I cried out, hoping someone would help me. Nothing though. I walked a little more, until everything was black. Where was I? "You my dear, are in hell" a voice spoke. What was going on? Why am I in hell? "Am I de-dead?" I asked, on the verge of tears. "You may be here for a while" I cried, I didn't wanna be here any longer. "Please, let me go" I sobbed more. I heard a loud crash, and than there was nothing. I still couldn't see anything. I could hear faint cries. Cries of an older maybe, 20-30 year old man, actually a few. "Please.. Kay wake up. Your my sister. I don't wanna lose you. Wake up. Please" I heard cries, but where were they from? Who was that? Who was the person talking too? Me? It couldn't have been me. Whose Kay?


"Hello?" It was only 12:30am, who would be calling me at this time?! "hello, this is the Northern Star Hospital, is this Christian Mora, the unbiological brother of KayVon Davids/Liddel?" Did Kay have he babies early?! I kind of got excited. "Erm, yeah why?" I asked curiously "well, were sorry to tell you, but Kay is currently in the ICU" this monotone sounding voice said. "W-why" I asked, my voice sounding scratchy. "She was in a terrible car accident. She has some wounds on her face, were not to sure that's from the accident though. She's on life support, we don't know if she's gonna make it." I felt like I was gonna cry. "W-when can I come in to visit her?" I asked, biting down on my lip trying to stop the tears from falling out of my eyes. "Tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock" "thank you.." I cried as I hung up the phone, my baby sister was in the hospital. I picked my phone back up, and dialed Cameron's number. "Christian, what the fuck do you want? I'm trying to sleep!" Oops.. I forgot it was 12:30. Oh well. "Cameron, meet me at Northern Star Hospital tomorrow at 7am.." "What? Why?" "Kay was in a car accident!" "N-no.. Is she- is she okay?" He began crying on the phone. "She's on life support.. They don't now how much longer she has. I don think a lot of people should be there though, so I'm gonna have Andy, you, me and Chantelle go. I want the others to stay home until a little after. Could Danny watch Haylee?" "Yes, he can." He hung up after that. I grabbed my shoes, and sweatshirt and ran out of the house and to my car, taking off to Andy.

When I pulled into the drive way, Kay's car was gone. Andy's was in the garage. I walked in the back-door and saw Andy laying there, passed out on the couch. The house was a mess, there was burnt food on the stove-top, open liquor bottles everywhere, and empty ones scattered. I walked over towards the couch, and Andy had a horrible stench coming from his breath. Alocohol. That's what it was. I tried waking him, but he didn't move. So I flipped the couch. "What the actual fuck dude?!" He yelled. "Andy, your coming with me!" I yelled dragging him. "Where? I'm not going anywhere!" "You are too! Kay is in the hospital, don't you want to be there?!" He stood, frozen. As if he did something. His face went from being aggravated, to being upset. "K-Kay is.. In the hospital?.." Tears slipped down his pale face. "Yes. Why?" He looked down. Than back up. "Before she left.. We were fighting.." He said. I knew that they ah been fighting a lot recently. "Andy, it isn't your fault. She was in a terrible accident. " he looked down again. "Christian.. You don't understand.. Wh-when we were fighting, I-I was drunk.. I hit, her Christian, I hit her.. I pushed her down. And yanked her up by her hair, Chris it's all my fault, mine" maybe I shouldn't have came. I was beyond pissed at Andy, how could he hit a girl?! "Christian I'm sorry, I know your mad.. But can we go?" I really didn't feel like fighting with him, so I nodded. It was only like 2:30 though.. "Andy we can't go until around 7" I said. "We can go stay in the waiting room." I nodded. We got in my car, and drove to the hospital.

*time skip to 7am*

Andy's POV.

"Please.. Kay wake up.. Your my sister. Wake up. Please. I don't wanna loose you" CC cried. I felt horrible. This was all my fault.

Yeah it is. You screwed this all up. You ruined everything. You hit your fiancé. You pushed her to the floor. You caused her to be in a car accident. You caused her to be on life support. You really are a selfish dickhead. Your so conceeded Andy. What happened to you?! You used to be so sweet. You used to love her.

Shut up! I already know that. I know I fucked everything up! I just want her to be okay! I love her so fucking much!

Shut the hell up. Your so fucking stupid Andy.

My head kept playing these voices. It was like my head was calling me a failure. And my heart kept saying how much I love her. "Kay, I love you so much. Please be okay." I grabbed her hand, crying. I didn't wanna loose my fiancé, my future wife. The mother of my babygirl. Wait.. I just remembered something.. The twins! I ran out of the room, yelling for a nurse. "Woah, man chill out. Your gonna get us yelled a if you keep yelling" CC came out saying. He walked with me -calmly- back to the table where some nurses were stood. "Um.. Excuse me, do any of you know I my fiancé, Kay, er... Gave birth to twins? Or if they made it?.. Because.. well.. Uh.. She was pregnant, please.. Tell me there okay.." I was mumbling, words coming out scrambled. "I'm sorry.. Sir, they didn't make it.." I felt all the strength in my body leave me. I was just a weak body, with no bonkes to hold me up. I dropped to the floor, collapsing. Not wanting to be ear anyone. I killed my own children..I may have killed my fiancé. What have I done? Why have I done this? All this made me realize, that my worst fear has came true..

I am a monster. There is no hiding it.

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