Life or death...

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The ambulance came quickly.

"Is.. She still alive...?" I asked tears filling my eyes.

"Yes! Your in luck she is still alive, because of whoever wrapped the shirt around her wrists, it was enough pressure to stop the blood. Your a very lucky young man.." The man said.

"T-thank.. You.." I said quietly with my voice cracking a little bit.

"When is she going to be able to be back up and around...?" I asked curiously.

"She just has to come to the hospital with us for a week, she isn't allowed to leave there. An she'll be out after. It isn't because of her blood loss that he has to stay, it is to make sure that we can get her helped so she doesn't cut again, at least not like this. We don't help all... But most of the time it can stop people like Ms.Alexis." He spoke clearly.

"Alright thank you.." I said as the other who was still trying to wake her up was laying next to her.


We got to the hospital pretty quickly.

Lexi still hasn't woke up, but.. Soon.

I feel bad for her...

She has machines hooked up all around her, and a stand-by nurse on call.

I wish I didn't fight with her.

She started waking up, and when she did I wanted to be the first one she saw. The one to help her around. The one to kiss her and help her feel okay.

"L-Lexi?" I said with a stutter.

"J-jake?" He said.

"Oh my god! Thank goodness your awake! I wouldn't live another second without you! Please don't do this again. Please."

"I'm sorry.. Jake..." She said tearing up.

"Baby you shouldn't be saying sorry, I should.. You didn't do this, I did. I should have never started a fight with you. You mean the world to me! I can't stand to lose you. Please baby, forgive me. Please..."

"I do Jake... I love you. With all of my heart.."

"I love you too babe.."

I walked over to her bed and kissed the top of her head softly and gently and sweetly. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight! I never wanna let her go, ever again.. I care so much about her. I love her. I would never live with out her.

My thoughts were Interupted by a knock at the door.

"Hello Ms... Um?" The doctor said.

"Mrs.Pitts" I said with a grin spreading across my face.

"Yes, Mrs. Pitts, you'll be staying here for about 3-6 days. The higher up doctor will let me know by tomorrow morning. Right now, I have to instruct you on what each of these machines on you are for."

"Alright.. " she said nervously.

"Well, this is blood pressure, and it just stays clipped over your finger until we know for sure it stays at a steady point. This one, is for if your blood ran out to fast, it will, tell us if you haw passed." She said.

"So basically blood pressure machine. And a beepy machine. Right?"


The doctor left us some water and a medication that Lex had to take.

"Because of the injury to your head when you fell and fainted they wanna so a cat scan and an MRI on your head, alright?" The nurse said as she came right back into the room.

"Alright.." Lexi said shaking.

"Alright we're going to take you back there now, miss."

"Okay." She said as she got up and left.

Lexis POV.

"Alright so you just need to lay down here" the nurse said kindly as she lay me down on the stretcher.

"This will be really quick!" She reassured.

I was nervous. I have been in to get fat scans before... But I hate it. I don't like being injured.. I can't stand it.

~~5 minutes later~~

"We're done!" The nurse said very kindly.

"Okay." I said as I got up and walked to the door.

I got to my room, and went to lie down on the bed.

"The doctor will be back in shortly to tell you your results!" She said.

~~30 minutes later~~

"Hey Lexi, were here with the results..." The doctor said.

I was nervous, so I grabbed onto Jakes hand and held it tight.

"Well... There is good news and bad news.."

"Okay..well we want the food news first" Jake said.

"Alright." He said.. And he flipped to a paper.

"Well, the good thing is that no breaks, fractures, or sprains or injuries to the brain or head..

"Alright! Well that's good!" I said smiling.

"Well... The bad news is... You have cancer forming in your brain." He said.

I cried. I don't want cancer... That's how my baby sister died.. I can't have that happen with my baby, or myself..

"Will... It harm the baby?" I asked.

"No, it shouldn't. We have a medication for you that can easily get rid of this cancer, so it won't transfer to the baby. Your lucky. It just started to form."

"That's good to hear! When do I start it? And when can I go home?" I asked.

"Well, you start it today, I have it here for you, and you can go home now, no need to stay for a week, and you have to come back though.. Like once every 2 weeks."

"Alright" I said wiping up extra tears.

"One more thing."

"What is it?" I asked.

"You have to get stitches, in your wrist. 2 of them."

I cried a little..

"Okay..." I said gasping for air to talk.

He came back in later with the material for my stitches...

"Jake.. I'm scared..." I said quietly to jake as the doctor got his stuff ready.

"Shh.. It'll be okay sweety.. I love you."

"Alright... I love you too..."

He put the novicane into the cuts..

My wrist was numb..

He began stitching the black thread.

It stung.. A lot..

"Jake..." I said crying with tears staining my cheeks..

"It's over with babe.. We can go home.."

"Alright.." I said picking up my things and heading for the door as Jake got my medication.

We left the hospital, and went to the bus.

We got onto the bus and everyone ran over and hugged me and gave me kisses on the head.

Jake went with the guys and went and they went and hung out with the guys while, the girls and I went and we watched some movies.

Chantelle, Kay, and Jamie all made me feel like everything really truly will be okay..

It'll be okay (BVB FANFIC){Completed}Where stories live. Discover now