Tattoos and piercings(:

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Krystynas POV.

I was sitting in the coffee shop downstairs in our hotel. It was around noon, and so I was guessing Andy would be getting up soon, so I decided it would be best to get going.

I walked up, and saw Gabby and some random dude fighting.

"GO THE FUCK AWAY!!!!" She shouted at him. Than an all to familiar voice rang through my ears. It.. Was him... HIM. The one person I never EVER wanted to see again, and he was there..

That person was my ex-boyfriend..

His name was Killian, and he was extremely abusive. He had a completely abusive family. His dad, and mom were alcoholics, and they were in jail most of his teenage life, and he took care of his 3 brothers.

Even though he had a rough life, doe NOT give him an excuse for what he put me through..

I remember as if it was yesterday..


I walked downstairs, looking mainly for something to drink, but also to say 'hello' to my friend Ember, who had just waltzed in.

"Hey!!! Killian is gonna be here soon, wanna do movie night?!?!" I aske excitedly.

"YEAH! HELL TO THE MOTHERFUCKING YEAH!" She screamed. (A/N I completely made up the name Ember, so no offense if you have that name!)


A few hours past, and killian showed up, he pecked me on the lips, and we got the popcorn out to eat.

The movie was about half way into, and I went upstairs to use the bathroom.

I walked back down, to see HIM and HER sucking each others faces off..

"HOW... COULD YOU?!?!" I screamed at them.

"It's no-"

"Not what it looks like?! Really your gonna use the most commonly, over used, quote NOW.?!?! YOUR WHORE EMBER! HOW COULD YOU?! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND! KILLIAN I THOUGHT YPU LOVED ME!!!! Get out! BOTH OF YOU TWO NOW!" Ember, gladly left. Killian didn't.

He came closer to me..

He pressed his lips to mine, and than I felt the most painful feeling in my left cheek. It stung, it was extremely painful.

He had slapped me..

"I DID love you." He whispered. And left..

*end of flashback*

"What are you doing here?!" I screamed.

"Looking for you baby!" He said, slurring his words making it obvious he was drunk.


And with that, he hit me.. Again. And than left.

I fell to the floor. Not realizing anything else going on.

I just walked to the elevator, and went upstairs. I didn't wanna see anybody now, except Andy. I NEEDED Andy.

"Babe what's wrong?" Andy said snaking his arms around my waste.

"K-Ki-Kil-Kili-Kilian! He was here! He he he HE HIT ME. Andy I'm scared!" Apparently I started bawling, because Andy was saying "no need to cry baby" and wiping my tears away.

"Now, that you've calmed down, WHO IS KILLIAN AND WHY DA FUQ DID HE HIT YOU?!"

"My ex-boyfriend.. He's really abusive, and I thought I needed to stand up and DEFFEND myself, so I yelled, and things just got worst."

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