Pain of the past..

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I woke up wrapped in Andy's arms. I loved that feeling! I opened my eyes and tried to slide out of his arms that were around me so tightly.

"Oh no you didn't!" Andy said to me.

"Oh yes I did! I just tryed to escape your arms! Haha!!" I responded.

"Well, you know what this means huh?''

"WHAT?!'' I said oddly.

"Tickle time!!!"

"Nooooooo" I laughed!

"Yessssss" he laughed back.

He started tickling my arms and my back and the back of my neck ad than my sides and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

I looked up into his sparkling blue eyes which his gorgeous hair attempted to cover, but I wouldn't allow it. I pushed his hair out if his face and smiled, I leaned closer into him and he did the same. We were about to kiss.. But than..

"Hello Kay!" The nurse said to me as she walked in.

"Hi" I said sitting up and removing Andy's arms from around my waist.

"Listen the doctor said as long as you eat breakfeast and can keep It down your free to go!"

"REALLY?!" I was so excited!!!

"Yes haha! Well, I'm gonna be right back with your break feast unless ou want someone to bring break feast to you."

"N-" I was trying to say no Ill just eat whatever the hospital wants me to eat, but Andy Interupted.

"No I am going to get her break feast from a friend that's bringing it!" Andy said.

"Oh okay!" The nurse responded quickly.

Shortly after she left, CC was here with the other boys and they had breakfeast for me.

"Thanks guys!" I said while I started to eat my food.

I didn't realize how hungry I really was until I finished eating it.

~~~hour after eating~~~

"Well, since she hasn't thrown up since she ate, and seems to be looking better were going to say your free to go!" The nurse said with joy!

'Okay! Thank you! When can I leave?!" I asked anxiously!

"All we have to do is have somebody sign the realease forms"

Everyone looked at CC.

"So I guess your signing?" The nurse asked CC.

"Yes I am!"

"Haha okay! Are you the boyfriend?"

"NO I CERTAINLY AM NOT IM HER BROTHER! But, somebody may be her boyfriend" CC said flashing the death glare with a smirk at Andy.

Andy blushed and looked down.

CC signed the papers and we left.


I hand touched my phone in three days, so I picked it up and saw some texts. One from Lexi, one from an old friend named chantelle, and one from my brother.. My blood brother... That I hated cause he put me through hell.. "What does he want?" I wondered.

My face changed from happy to depressed. I don't want anything to do with him.. Not after what he did..

I was immediately snapped out of my thoughts when Andy started talking.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.


"Your crying, something must be wrong.."

Shit. I didn't realize I was crying, and I deffenitely didn't want CC or anyone to find out. Not ever.

"Well..?" He said.

"It's.. Erm.. Come upstairs I'll tell you in our room.."

"Alright honey."

"Okay." I was a bit confused that he called me honey. But it was besides the point.

We walked in the room and I sat on the edge of the bed and I curled into a ball and cried..

"Tell me what's going on please?" Andy said starting to be in tears.

"Andy.. It's my brother..."


"No.. My blood brother.. CC and my parents and you (now) are the only ones who no he exists.. He moved away after I turned 13.. Actually.. He was arrested when I turned 13.."

"Wait, so why are you crying now?"

"Because... He texted me.. And I have no Idea why.."

"Oh I'm sorry Hun.''

"It's fine.."

"Wait.. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure."

"Why was your brother arrested?"

"Because.. Uhm.. He raped me.. And beat me..."

"Kay! ThAts not good at all!!!!" Andy said with a few tears slowly running down his face.

"I... Don't want to necessarily respond... But I kind of have too.."

"Why do you have too?"

"Cause I don't want him to get angry again..."

"Oh okay.. Alright..."


"But I wanna be in the room when you call him.''

"That's fine.." I said shyly.

I dialed his phone number. I am terrified to talk to him, I have no idea how he is going to act...

What if he wants to beat me? Or rape me? Or.. Anything.. He can't do this to me..

"Hello McKayla" he said in a tone that made me want to slap his face so hard..

"Hello... Ryan..."

"So.. I'm out of jail finally."

"I can tell, I still don't want anything to do with you though."

"I don't care. I'm your legal brother so I am your legal guardian since mom and dad died." He said. I could tell he was in a smirk, an he deffinitely needed to stay away from me. I don't like him at all.

''No. You aren't. I have a restraining order against you and I am way better off WITHOUT you in my life."

"Whatever you worthless little whore!" He shouted at me. And I hung up. I started crying and I wanted to sink into the creaks of the floor board and never see anyone again. I wanted to burry my face and never see anybody. I don't wanna be here anymore..

"It'll be okay" Andy said to me.

"I need some time alone please.."

"Alright I'm gonna be back up soon to make sure your okay though."


Andy left, and I went into the bathroom and I took my hair straightner and turned it on as hot as it can go, and than I pulled my secret box out and I pulled my razor blade an bobby pin out..

I took the razor blade and made come in contact with my skin and sink deeply into it, and I slowly watched the blood ooze out. The straightner beeped and I picked it up, and I clamped it down on my neck.. And left it there. And than I lifted it off. There was a bright red blister forming. And than I rinsed the blood that oozed from my wrists. I cleaned it all up. Than I left the bathroom and took my bobby pin with me and dug it into my cuts further and liked the pain. It relieved so much stress. I put the bobby pin under my pillow and layed down on Andy's bed and covered my cuts. And shortly later fell asleep.

It'll be okay (BVB FANFIC){Completed}Where stories live. Discover now