Stormy nights

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Andy's POV

I walked downstairs so that Kay could get settled in on her own.

"Aye guys." I said as I walked into the kitchen near Jinxx, CC, Jake, and Ashley. "You were nice to her right Andrew Biersack?" CC said to me. "Yes of course! She came in apologizing for staying, you know with us. She feels horrible. I feel horrible. I can't believe I said what I said.. Oh and which of you fuck heads told her?" I stated. "Ashley did, don't be angry, if you didn't want her to know you said that you shouldn't have said it in the first place." CC replied and the way he replied made me feel worst. "I'm going to go and talk with her for a little whole okay?" I asked CC. "Okay. Make sure she is down for dinner with us all. An yeah, about that Ashley it's your turn I make dinner! Something nice too. It's Kay's first night." He told us.

I walked up the stairs to the bedroom. "Hey can I come in?" I asked Kay. "Yeah sure, I'm just getting some of my stuff organized" she replied. I walked into the room, and saw her. In black leggings, a Pierce The Veil shirt on, and her hair up in a messy bun, she looked beautiful..

"So what's up?" She said breaking my focus. "Um, just wanted to come

And talk for a little while, if that's okay..?" "Yeah haha sure!" "Em.. Okay. First I want to apologize to you for, saying what I said... I just didn't want a room mate who was gonna come and tell me what I can and can't do in my own, room. Your cool through. We'll get along great." I walked over and sat on my bed. "Well.. I am relieved to hear that.. And your cool too." Just when I went to respond there was a knock at the door. "Hey guys dinner is done." It was Jake telling us dinner was ready. So I opened the door and the three of us walked down stairs to the kitchen.

"REALLY ASH?" I heard CC yell. "What the hell man!?" Ash responded. "I said a NICE dinner, not pizza! Especially ordered from Pizza Hut.!" Me and Kay started to giggle and chuckle a little. "Guys calm down. It's not a big deal.!" Jinxx stepped in. "Let's just sit and eat in peace?" I said. "Yeah sounds like a great idea" Ash said and looked over to to an angry CC. We all sat down though. "Sorry Kay." CC said. "For what?" "Because your having pizza, on your first night here." "Oh it's cool! I like pizza! A lot!" CC looked upset over the fact that we were having pizza. Probably because that's all Ashley ever chooses when it is his choice. Oh well. Well all get over it.

~~~around 10:30 pm~~~

Kay's POV

"Im going to bed guys..." I said to the guys as I got up. It was getting late and I was tired. "Okay nighty night hun!" Ash said I walked over an hugged him good night. "Night gurlly" Jake and Jinxx said. "Goodnight Kay I love ya!" CC said as he gave me a hug goodnight. "Night dude love ya too.!" I sad to CC as I hugged him good night.

I was hugging him good night.. And the most frightening noise ever, sounded. It was... THUNDER. It can't be. I hate thunder, I hate storms, I hate rainy days, I hate it all. Any kind of storm, I hate em. "Are you okay..?" CC asked in my ear quietly. "Yeah... I guess.. I'll be okay.." CC was the only person who listened to me. He is the only person who knew everything about me, which meant he knew I hate storms.. Cause they scare me. "Okay, but if you need anything I means ANYTHING, let me know.okay?" "Okay.." I said to him. I met to say goodnight to Andy, but he stood up and said it to me first. I still wasn't sure how to act around me, cause he a didnt want me here, even though he said I was cool. "Night" I sad back and hugged him, slightly. "I'll be up in about an hour, okay?" He whispered in my ear. "Okay..?" I didn't mean to sound questionable, but.. Why did I care when he went to bed? Cause I did care. I was slowly falling in love with this man. This man I barely no. This'll I think hates me. But I lost focus and started walking upstairs. Maybe if I fall asleep quickly, I can avoid conversation with Andy and I can sleep peacefully with being terrified all night.

That obviously wasn't gonna happen. I was laying there for and hour, and Andy was on his way up, and I was wide awake tossing and turnig and freaking out. I heard the door open it was Andy. Great. I'm ready to pretend im sleeping now.

I tucked my head under the covers, and faked a snore so he would think I was sleeping. I could tell the lights flicked on, and I heard him walk into the bathroom, and start the sink. He came out about two minutes later. I think he was like brushing his teeth. He walked over and flicked the lights back off trying not to wake me up. He lay down and got in the covers and turned his music on softly.

I heard it again. Thunder. I shrieked a little and he heard me. "Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I-I I'm fine"

"Are you sure?"

"No, I'm not.. "

"Come here!"

"Ok-Kay." I walked over and he sat up and made a motion for me to sit next to him, so I did.

"What's wrong?"

"Well.. I hate storms, because they terrify me.., I didn't want to tell you though.. Cause you are just gonna laugh at me.."

"No I'm not, id never laugh at you Kay. I promise, but.. Why are you so terrified?"

"Well.. It's Kind if a long story.."

"Okay, I have time.." "Go on"

"Well.. My parents died in a car accident, 2 weeks ago.. And they died from the rain.. So it kind of scared me... And, well.. I'm still in the process of trying to get over it"

"Kay, I'm really, so so sorry. You can.. Sleep, in my bed tonight if you want to since your afraid.."

"Are you.. Erm... Sure?"

"Yeah totally!"

So I got my pillow and and lay down next to him.

He sat up and told me to, so I did.

"Alright first before we go to sleep since clearly neither of us are tired, lets talk, like about eachother."


"Alright, I'll go first. So my name is Andrew Biersack. Andy for short. I love doing what I do, which is being I. The band. It's my life! And my favorite bands... Are hmm... I don't really have one."

"Intersting! My name is McKayla Davids, Kay for short. And I love singing, although I'm not cry good at it. And I love music! I wouldn't be here without it. And erm. Well, my parents died 2 weeks ago and I have been trying to get over it still.. My only true friend is CC, and cause I've known him, since 5th grade. In 4th grade I lost my best friend.. She killed herself.. I am an only child, besides CC he is my BFB (best friend brother) and my favorite bands are Sleeping with sirens, pierce the veil, blood on the dance floor, asking Alexandria, and I LOVVVEEE ABSOLUTELY LOVE AC DC, and I Loveee suicide silence.haha"

We laughed and he started to play some of the bands music. "I am bullet proof" from their new cd, came on! I love the way they sound and now I have a new favorite band!

"Andy, I'm getting sort of tired and, so I'm gonna try and get some rest. Okay?"

"Okay. Goodnight Hun, and remember, I'm a true friend now too! I'm always here for you."

"Alright I will! Good night!"


I lay down and felt two arms wrap around me and make me feel safe, it was Andy. :3 he made me feel warm and safe and giggly inside. I love that.. I think.. I love Andy too.. I think I am falling in love.

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