Is that a yes?

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The next day I woke up, with strong arms wrapped around me. I rolled over and saw Andy. He was adorable.

"Ya know its not polite to stair." He said. SHIT. I thought he was sleeping.

"Sorry baby your just adorable. That's all."

"Not as adorable as you Are."

"Aww thanks! Now let's get up so we can go to Disney! I'm excited!!!"

"I can tell! Alright Im getting up."

Andy walked into the bathroom and started getting ready.

I through on some red ripped skinny jeans, and my SWS band tee, with my black vans.

Andy came out, with his hair straightene, and his usual little bit of eye liner on, which was hot.

He came out and I went into the bathroom. I decided to take a shower tonight since its gonna be hot today, and I'm gonna sweat and have to get in again.

I straightened my hair, and put my eyeliner on, and teased my hair at the top a little.

I walked out shortly after and Andy was sitting on the bed in only his boxers.

"Um.. Andy? Where are your pants? And shirt?"

"I honestly don't know." He said truthly.

"Did you leave them back in LA?!"

"Uhh... Nooooo -insert sarcasm here-"

"Really Andy?! Oh god. I'll ask CC if he has a pair you can borrow. I'll have Jinxx send yours in."

"Okay. Sorry. "

"Did you at least bring your shirts?"


"Okay, well put one on."

He did just that, and I called CC's room. "Hey. CC?"

"Yeah girl?!" He said drunkly.

"Drinking already huh?"

"Yeah budddddyyyyy!"

"Dumb ass. Anyways andy left his pants in LA. So do you have a pair he can borrow for today?"


"Alright I'm coming down to get them."


"Yup bye."

I hung up, and grabbed the room key.

"Babe I'll be back in about 3 minutes I'm getting pants from CC or to to borrow."

"Okay. Love you baby."

"Love ya too!"

I left and walked down to the elevator and pressed the button so the doors would open.

They opened up, and an old lady and her husband got out. There was one little girl standing in the back, she looked a little like me when I was younger. She was about maybe 15ish. She looked.. Sick. Not well at all.

"Um.. Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine." She said, and started crying. I hugged her ad held her tightly. "Why's wrong baby girl?"

She stood up, and pulled her shirt up a little.. It was like when I was 15.. She had her ribs sticking out really badly.

"Have you been starvin yourself?"

"N-no... Okay yes... I have.."

"Why? Your perfect with out doing that."

"Because.. My parents.. They don't care about me, an so I turned to my boyfriend.. And he told me that if I starved myself I would be prettier..."

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