Home sweet horror.

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Andy's POV.

*three months later*

So tour ended two months ago, and me and Kay haven't been getting along like we used too. The other night got bad.. Chantelle came over and brought Haylee with her to Ashley's so that she wouldn't hear us.

Flashback two nights ago

"Kay! Fucking stop! Your fucking annoying!" I was just sitting on the couch watching batman, and she came in and started bitching about Haylee and some shit about needing to go to the store. "Andy, can't you stop acting like a fucking prick for 10 minutes and get your daughter her medication?? Or is Mr.Rockstar to good for that?" That's it. "IM NOT A PRICK, if anything your the selfish bitch in this family! Your so conceeded. I don't understand why I got engaged to you sometimes!" Kay's eyes immediately went from anger to hurt. I felt bad about what I said, but she pissed me off. "If you don't fucking love me than why the HELL are you still with me?! Why didn't you let me fucking die and you stick to your whore Krystal or whatever." That honestly did hurt, I don't want her dead. I love Kay. "Kay just-just leave" I said pointing to the door. "You want ME to leave? I'm 5 months pregnant Andy, I can't just fucking leave. You really are a dick!" I forgot she was pregnant, fuck. I just wish we could stop fighting. "Guys, stop arguing it isn't solving anything. I'm taking Haylee to my house tonight, me and ash will watch her. You guys need to solve things out for yourselves." Chantelle said whilst carrying Hales out to the car, and leaving. "Look! Andy, because of you our own daughter can't even sleep in the same house as us!" Kay turned on her heel and walked upstairs slamming the door behind her.

End of flashback

I just don't understand! All we do is fight. It just doesn't make sense. As all these thoughts were running through my mind, I began making dinner. I just kind of pray tonight will go better.

Kay's POV.

Andy and I can't stop fighting! It's ridiculous. I just want it to stop. I don't wanna ruin Haylees life by having two parents who fight non-stop. She doesn't deserve that. She deserves a good life. Tonight, she was staying with Jake and Lexi. I hope tonight is better. I can't keep living in stress. It's not healthy for the twins. I sighed walking downstairs to see if dinner was done. "Hey Andy." I spoke, a little shakey. It's kind of awkward since out fight. Don't get me wrong, I fucking love Andy. But when he gets mad at everything stupid, there's a problem. "Hi" I believe he mumbled, he must feel kind of awkward too. I'm 5 months pregnant now, with twins. So obviously I'm cranky, and moody, but I can't help it. If Andy used a condom we wouldn't be here though. But that's off topic. "Andy, are you STILL mad?" I asked, biting the inside of my lip. "Drop it Kay." What was that supposed to mean? What did I do wrong? "What did I do now?" I asked him getting aggravated. "Just shut up. Why do you ALWAYS have to bring up our arguments two days fucking later?! It's annoying! Just stop" he growled. "Andy, I was merely asking so we wouldn't fight but I see it's to late for that." I said rolling my eyes. "Look, your being a conceeded, rude, bitch. Not me. I'm trying to be civil. You just bring shit up. Just fucking stop. I don't bring up everything that happened with you, like when you and Juliet got us thrown in jail during TOUR." Now I was pissed off, he beat the shit out of Erik, not me, not Juliet. HIM. "Andy why do you have to act like a fucking asswhole? Are you to good for me now? Your worldwide, have three albums out, and your rebels EP and so your better than me?" I was so fucking pissed with him right now. "Kay, maybe you should check because your the one whose acting out. Your a bitch, your annoying, and you-you screw everything up." I won't lie, those words hurt.. I haven't been told that in a Long time, and It would be better of we hadn't. Instead of crying though, I just had to retaliate. "Oh, so you mean I'm a screw up, but you can best the shit put of someone, cheat, and yell at a pregnant woman, but I'm the screw up. I see that Andrew. I see it all right." I said growing angrier. "I could have beat the shit out of you too, but I didn't." I stood there frozen. It was as of my feet had suddenly forgot what they were for. Out of all of our arguments, he had never hurt me physically, or threatened it. "You-you wouldn't" was all the escaped my mind. He through down what he was using to cook, and looked at me. I could smell the strong stench of Whiskey, and vodka with faint cigarette scent coming from his breath. "Andy, what has gotten into you lately?" I was really scared. Andy's eyes went from angry, to furious. "what has gotten into me?!" He yelled. I looked down, than back up but I immediately wished I hadn't, because when I did all I felt was a really harsh pain in my cheek. His pale white hands, had collided with my cheek bone. I looked at him in shock. He looked back, clearly no caring about what he did. Than he pushed me back, causing me to tremble. Why was he doing this? He finally pushed me again, and yanked me by the hair back up. I yelped in pain as he did so. When I did, he looked at me apologetically. "K-" I interupted him. "Save it Andrew. I cannot believe you. Not only did you slap me, but you pushed me to the floor. Did it occur to you that I'm pregnant? You know what Andy I'm done, at least for tonight. I can't take this." I went upstairs and packed a few things, and came back down running of the house with my bag, and keys. I quickly got Into my car, and started to blast Asking Alexandria's "Not the American average" I took off, going full speed. About 100 miles per-hour. I didn't even care about police right now. My eye and cheek hurt like fuckers, and my head was beginning to ache from where he yanked me. I didn't know where I was going, but I was. I saw the light ahead of me turn red, but not caring, I continued driving.

I was fine, until everything went blurry. All I heard was a loud high pitched screech. The glass shattered from the windshield and onto me. Some of the broken glass shards were cutting into me. My legs were both twisted in ways the shouldn't be, and my left leg made a really disturbing crack noise. I felt some warmth running all over me. My nose was bleeding, and I looked down to see my stomach was too. I couldn't move. I was stuck. I heard sirens getting closer; an closer. After about three seconds I saw paramedics running towards me. I immediately realized my stomach was bleeding and I was pregnant. I began shouting. "M-my babies! Are they gonna be okay?" The paramedics looked at Me. They had gotten me out of the car, and I went to speak again, but whenever I did, I felt like my voice wasn't heard, eventually I couldn't hear anything, everything was going black. Until it happened. It was all black. Nothing to see, hear, or anything. I didn't even know if I was breathing.


This chapter was really painful to write.. It brings back some horrible memories I don't necessarily want to remember. However I created it. I will try to update soon. I also have another fanfic I began writing. It's new, it's mainly about Falling In Reverse, and Black Veil Brides, but of course there is others with it. Check that out for Me? Please? :( it'd make me happy c; anyways.. I hope you liked this chapter, and I'll update soon hopefully. Love you all :*

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