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I woke up and started thinking about how I got so depressed yesterday that I forgot to respond to chantelle! I love that girl! She is my WORLD. I know her like the back of my hand! I've known her since 8th grade! And she's amazing! She never stopped loving her one ex. And I felt terrible because he acted like she was nothing after they broke up. They were the perfect couple, they really were. .. I think im going to call her.

I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up!

"Hey boo!!!" She said when she answered..

"Hey boo!!! I missed you!!!!"

"I know I missed you too!!! I haven't talked to you in a while! We need to hang out.!"

"Yes we do! Wanna come over to my new place later?"

"Yeah! I can come over now if you want?"


I laughed and said "okay, meet me here soon!"

"Oh wait, I don't know where you live..."

"I'll meet you at the gas station where we used to go all the time."


"Okay byeeee"


And we hung up.

"Hey" I said to Andy as I realized he was awake.

"Hey babe" he said to me with his deep, sexy voice.

I gave him a hug and he pulled away and sat up and looked me in the eyes.

I looked down blushing a little and biting my lip. He lifted my lip and said that we needed to talk.

I was nervous.

''So we.. Need to talk" he said, with a half smile.

"About what?" I said confused.

"About... Us."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I was wondering.. Kay Von David's.. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will!!!" I smiled and looked deep into his ocean blue orbs and kissed his cheek as he kissed my neck.

I pushed him away slowly, and smiling at him.

"So, my friend Chantelle, she's coming over today. And I have to meet her cause she doesn't know where I live now.."

"Okay! I would live to meet her!"

"Wanna come with me?" "To meet her?" I asked.

"Sure! We got up and went into the bathroom and I turned my straightner on and than I left the bathroom while Andy did his hair and make up in the bathroom. I put on my regular skinny jeans and a black cami with a shirt that was black with zebra print on it. And I put my black converse on. I walked into the bathroom and Andy walked out to get dressed. I got out my make up and proceeded to put It on. After I was finished I walked out to Andy who was in the bed room, waiting for me. "Come on!" I said and me and Andy held hands while We walked down to the car. We got in an ride down to pick up Chantelle. I saw her Standing there! In her skinny jeans, cute purple tank top, and her line green sweatshirt with her black toms on. I got out and ran up to her and gave her a hug!

She gave me a half hug and she smiled. "I love you boo!" She said laughing. "I love you too boo!!!" I said back and pulled her over to Andy who was now standing out side. "Chantelle, this is my boyfriend Andy Biersack!"

"Nice to meet you Chantelle!" He said to her. "Same!" She said excitedly why they gave each other a friendly hug.

We soon got back into the car and rode to a diner down the road which we were gonna pick something for us all to eat up. "Come on baby!" Andy said to me. "No way! Uh-uh! I am not going in. I look like shit! I have on some mascara, half straightened hair, and my ratty old skinny jeans, with a cami. I'm not goin in! Heeeaaalllllll no."

"Don't make me do this!"

"Do what?"

"This" he said picking me up bridal style and carrying me into the diner.

"Help me Chantelle!!!" I screamed as he picked me up and carried me in.

"No can do boo!" She said. "Uhhhhhgggghhh! ANDREW BIERSACK PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled. Chantelle stood there laughing, and giggleing. "Fine" Andy said as he put me down. There was no sense in me arguing with him and running out and leaving, so I decided to just walk with him. We already made a big enough scene.


Well, nobody was awake yet, and me as Andy and Chantelle decided to spend all day at the mall with all the guys and Lexi! This was gonna be so much fun!! It was only about 8:30 and the others wouldn't awake for a while but, we would go later on.

Andy went in the kitchen and made breakfeast while me and Chantelle sat down on the couch to talk.

"Soo!" I said anxiously.


"Tell me what's new!"

"Well, I haven't dated anyone since... Well.. You already know.." She said.

"Yeah I know.."

"Yeah.." We started talking about some stuff and Ash walked down so I introduced him to Chantelle.

"Hey Ash! This is my best friend/sister/and boo!!!"

"H-hey.." Ash said all shy. Much different than when we first met.

"Hi.." Chantelle said back. They were both shy.

"Uhm, Chantelle excuse us for a moment." Ash said.

He pulled me into the next room over.


"What is it?"

"Chantelle is... Gorgeous"

"You like her don't you?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah... A lot. I know I just met her but ... I feel like I've known her for years! She's, beautiful! I love everything about her."

I felt so a amazing for bringing her.

"Awww that's adorable.!!" I said to him.

".. I can't go in front of her, I am gonna stutter like a freak.!"

"It's okay! Calm down let me go talk to her be right back!" I sad and left the room.

I walked over to chantelle.

"Hey, so... Ash.. He em.. Thinks your beautiful.. And really really likes you.. And he said he knows he's only known you for a few minutes, but he feels like he has known you since like, kindergarten like forever! That's awesome!"

''Really...? Cause.. That's how I feel about to him.."

"OMG really?''


I took chantelle by the hand and pulled her into the room with Ashley.

"Look, you guys both feel the exact same way about each other."

I said.

"Well... Um... Chantelle, would you.. Like to be my girlfriend...?" Ash asked her all sweet and shy like..

"Yes, I-I would.. Actually." She said smiling and biting her lip. He took her by the hand and kissed her cheek. Ad we walked out and sat with Andy and the others who were now awake, for breakfeast, and I introduced Chantelle, and the fact that Ash and her were in love, the way me and Andy were in love.

We all started talking about the wretched and divine story of the wild ones, tour coming up, and how Chantelle is gonna be coming with us! This was gonna be one fun hell of a year! Which god knows I needed since this shit I just went through.

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