Arriving florida.

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I woke up crunched in a ball, with tears that stained my face. Why was I crying? Than I thought back to my dream, if you could call it that. It was more nightmare. It was a night mate about... Chantelle. She died, and I was wearing a long black dress standing next to Ashley, CC, Lexi, Jinxx, Jake, Andy, and her EX?!? Riley?! Hey was he there!? Than there was something else there, but it wasn't like.. A person. It was... A feeling that I had. I didn't like that feeling. I sat up and went over to Chantelles bunk, and she was laying there awake on her iPhone writing a story on wattpad. I was releaved she was there, alive.

"Hey girl!" She said in a excited whisper tone.

"Hey so, we are gonna be in Florida soon!!!" I said all excited!

"Yeah I know!"

"So why the boys are in rehearsal me, you, and Lexi are going to go to the beach okay?"

"Alrighty! Sounds fun!" She said excited.

I got down off her bunk and went into the back and went to the bathroom and brushed my hair an teeth and plugged in my curling iron and straightner. I went into the other room and I got my bikini and shorts and a t shirt.

I went back into the bathroom and stripped down my clothes and slid my bikini on. It was black with skull cross bones on it. I loved it! Than I slid my black shorts on and pulled on my Blood on the Dance Floor shirt.

My straightener beeped and I so I started straightening it. When I was finished with that I curled the ends of my hair with curling iron. After I was done I unplugged them and put them aside. Than I did my make up. I put my black eye liner on, with some mascara.

Than a knock was at the door. It was Chantelle who came in and used my straightener to finish off her hair and did her make up. I walked out so she could change into her clothes.

Chantelles POV.

Kay left and I changed into my bikini and put my clothes over it. I LOVED MY BIKINI! It was black with dark grey stars on it, and Kay had gone with me and we got ours together at HotTopic. I slid my black shorts on, with my Blood on the Dance Floor shirt on, and I did it purposely to match Kay! We loved doing this! I walked out and bumped into Ash who wrapped his arms around me. "I love you" he whispered into my ear. "I love you too baby!" I whispered back.

He hugged me tighter. And than he kissed the top of my head and made his way down to my lips.

I smiled into this soft, gentle, perfect kiss. And than I pulled away, since the others were waking up. "You need to get ready and dressed and stop making out" Andy said jokingly. I pushed his shoulder and said "leave my baby alone"

"Yeah! Leave her baby alone!" Ash said. I laughed, than he laughed, than Andy laughed than we were all laughing.

Ashley walked into the bathroom and he got himself ready, than Andy, than Jake, than Jinxx, than CC.

"It's been nice having you around again!" CC said.

"Same!!" I said back to him. And he hugged me.

I pulled away and went up on my bunk and layed there.

Kay's POV

All the boys were finally done getting ready and I walked into the bathroom to fix up my make up, and see how I looked. I pulled my shirt off and sat it down. I looked into the mirror at my sides and realized why, why.. Everyone was worried about me. My hips were showing, badly. Now I'm just nervous about the beach later.. Chantelle is gonna see, Lexi is gonna see, and if the boys come by they're gonna see... My rib cage, and hips may be showing.... But I am really nervous I mean... I still feel fat, and what if somebody calls me fat again? I'm terrified now.. I guess I didn't think this through all the way... Oh well.. I can't back down now..

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT! FINALLY!!!" I hear Jinxx shout. I rushed out to see what he was talking about. And soon found out. WE WERE THERE! In Florida!!! YEYY!!!!! I got my stuff together and I put it on my bunk. I was glad we were here!

Us girls walked the boys out a into the huge arena building. "I'm so fucking excited!!!''

Jinxx and Andy shouted as we walked into the building.

We got in and the boyys (Ash, Andy, and Jake) hugged us all and kissed us goodbye.

We walked out and we got back on the bus, it was getting late, so we decided we'd go to the beach tomorrow, or wait until the boys got done and go swimming at the beach well, this resort, and do "late night swimming" instead.

Which I guess I was pretty glad to hear. So until the boys get done, us gurls are just going to watch some movies, hang out, and get to know each other (Lexi and chantelle get to) know each other better!

~~~authors note~~~

I know this is a shorter chapter than most, but IDGAF!!! I just wanted to update! I'm working on a longer more detailed chapter anyways!! :p enjoy! Keep voting too!!!!

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