CC realizes

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It's been three weeks since the comment at the mall. And Krystal has made so many comments in between the 3 weeks too. Like 'fat whore' or "fat hoe' anything she could say to hurt me. I can't take that anymore. So I have been starving myself for the second time in my life.

"Hey are you feeling okay!?" CC asked me.

"Yeah Im I'm fine..."

"No your not.." He said back to me.

"Yes! Am too! Look I gotta go get dressed though.. Okay?"


I walked upstairs and into what used to be me and Andy's room, and went in and saw him and Krystal making out on the bed... I wanted to take her head and slam it through a fucking wall. But I have to play nice. So I walked into the bathroom and shortly after Andy left and I was with Krystal.. In the bathroom while she took MY straightener and MY curling iron and insulted me at the same time. What a fucking bitch.. Damn.


"You fat whore if you even want a chance Andy or any guy for that matter to date you or even love you maybe you should just lose more weight and starve yourself a lot more.''

I heard Krystal saying this to Kay this morning through the door. I knew something had been up with her, but couldn't figure out what it was, but I guess I know now. I wanted to punch Krystal square in her rotten ass face.

"I am! Okay I am starving myself what else can I do?" Kay responded crying.. I can't believe I didn't realize Krystal had been doing this to my little Kaykay.. I wanted to cry. But, I new I was going to make sure that she are breakfeast this morning!

Her and Krystal walked downstairs to me, Andy, Jake, Lexi, Jinxx and Ash.

'Hey sweetie!" I said to Kay.

"Hey" she said back. Her face is pale, and since she has on a cami I can tell... She has deffinitely been starving herself.. Her rib bones are showing.. How can Krystal do this?

"So what do you want to eat Kay?" I asked her.

"Um.. I'm not hungry.." She said unconvincingly.

"Come on!!! I wanna make you a SPECIAL break feast.! Pleaasssseeee!" I said begging.

" yeah.. Uh.. .. Fine."

I walked into the kitchen and got her orange juice, cereal, yogurt, and an apple.

"Here eat this! I know it's your special breakfeast. You love apples, this kind of cereal, and this kind of yogurt and you LOVE orange juice!'' I said bringing her food.

"Yeah haha I do.!" She started eating and I felt happy.

Kay's POV.

God dammit. I didn't want to eat. Not at all. But I had a plan, as soon as I get done eating I'll excuse myself, and go to te bathroom and throw it up. Than I can be happy.

I finished FINALLY.

"I'll be right back I gotta go to the bathroom.!" I said leaving.

I went to the bathroom. And I took my tooth brush and put it in the back of my throat on my gag reflex and I. Was Instantly throwing up.i don't like throwing up.. But I had to get rid of what I just ate.

~~~later on today~~~

I did much more than just... Well.. Puke on purpose. I took the razor... I my skin... And... Cut... A lot. I didn't lose a LOT of blood, but I lost enough... I needed tort myself no that never again am I going to eat, I can't gain weight.. I was at 99 pounds ten away from what I want. I need to lose 10 pounds to be at 89, which was what I wanted.

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