Car accident..

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Flashbacks. Tears. Anything that can make you cry.

"Its all my fault!" I shouted to Kellin.

"What is!?"

Kellin had just told me he loved me, and I went to say it back.. And my phone went off.

"I texted Andy and he responded.. The same time he responded he was in a car accident.." I cried.

"Oh my fucking god! Is he okay.??"

"Yeah.. He has some scratches, the worst he has is a broken elbow."

"Oh my lord. Thank god. But it's not your fault."

"But it is."

"No! And if he isn't seriously hurt.. Why are you so em.. Upset?" He asked I could tell, he was.. Trying not to be rude about it.

"My... Parents died in a car accident..."

"Oh.. I'm sorry." He said frowning a bit.

"Here I will drive us to the hospital!" He said.

We drove to the hospital and saw Andy.. Laying there.

He had a lime green cast on his arm, and Ashley was working on drawing bat man on it.

I laughed in my head. Geez only andy. Hah.

Kellins POV

Damn.. I feel bad for Kay. She has had such a horrible life. I need to help change that for her.

"Andy!!" She shrieked.

"Hey baby" he said to her.


What did I miss?

He sat up and pulled Kay into a hug. And he KISSED HER? Da fuq? I thought they were best friends. I couldn't take it..

Jayy could tell something was wrong. (He was there too. Yes anyone who has been me mentioned and played a part in this, is in the room)

I ran out of the room. I walked out of the hospital and threw my whole backside against the wall. I let every year my body was holding out.

How could I not know she was datig Andy!? How could she not mention it?! How was I stupid enough to fall for a girl who, doesn't have to worry about never having a boyfriend because she is gorgeous and any guy would love to date her?! God I hate myself. My life. EVERYTHING.

Andy's POV.

"Hey baby, Im.. Sorry.." Kay sad to me.

"For what? You didn't do this!" I told her.

"Yes I did." She said with her voice cracking a bit.

CC and Jake, and Ashley, and Jinxx heard her saying it was her falt.

"Wait! HOLD UP!? IT'S YOUR FAULT ANDY WAS IN A FUCKING CAR ACCIDENT?!!?!?!?!?" Jinxx started screaming at her. I wanted to bash his face in. She had a black eye, and a broken nose already and he was- wait OH MY FUCK WHY THE HELL IS SHE HURT???? I tried to hold tears back.

"I didn't mean to Andy! I really didn't! I'm sorry." She shrieked and ran out of the room.


"Stop stop stop! Jinxx!" I shouted.

"No she could hav-" I cut him off.

"GET THE HELL OUT." I said to him.

"Why!? I didn't do this! That slut did!"


He put his head down. And he walked out. Gladly.

Kay's POV.

I knew it was my fault. I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! Damn I am so stupid. God! I shouldn't have texted him. I should die. I'm not good enough to be alive. Damn.

I ran out of the hospital and threw myself to a wall. I looked over and I saw Kellin crying.. I started crying worst.. Than he came over and lifted me up.

Kellins POV

"W-what's wrong?" I asked her.

"It's all my fault. I told you he thinks so too." She said.

"Andy thinks So?" If Andy thought so u would go in and kick his fusing ass.

"No.. Jinxx does.."

Suddenly Jinxx came out looking for her.

"Go away!" I shouted to him while hugging her.

"I need to apologize to KAY."

"Damn right! She just fucking had shit go on at the mall, she could only have time to tell me, and Lexi knows cause she was there. And than you go and do this? SHE ALREADY THOUGHT THIS WAS HER FAULT. I had just convinced her it wasn't! Now stop! And apologize!"

Jinxx started crying. I didn't expect that. I felt Kay's arms tighten around me so I tightened mine as well.

"Kay.. I'm so sorry! It's no your fault. I think I am mad at myself. Because.. It's my fault. And when you kept saying it was yours it just seemed so easy to agree so I wouldn't feel this guilt.. But now I have three different things I feel guilty for.. I am truly sorry. Please say you can forgive me.." Jinxx said. She tuned around to look at him and I looked up with her as well. His make up was everywhere.

"Please" he said. "I-I forgive you Jinxx.." She said. He pulled her from me and picked her up and hugged her and carried her inside. I can't believe anything going on right now.

I just needed to rest. To go away from them all. So I got in my car and drove home..

Later on I got a text from KAY!

"Hey.. I.. Need to- to respond to what you said to me earlier.. I think I um. Love you too.." Was what it said

"You have Andy. You don't need me. Go on."

"No. I do need you. Your my BEST friend(besides CC) and ill always love you. "

"Really? You know that made me smile."

"Aww good."

"And so well, tomorrow around 6pm I Will be pickin you up. We're going somewhere. I hope you'll have fun.!"

"Alright hah!"

"Alright well, I'm going to bed. Good night Kay. I love you..

"Okay, and goodnight Kellin

That was our conversation. Than I lay down, and fell asleep thinking about only KAY.

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