I can't do this

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Matt had come in by that time and must have been in shock.
"You're Eleiyah's mum?"
But before either of them could answer, I felt this strength inside me probably due to my anger and I managed to open my eyes and move my hands. I coughed as my throat felt dry.
"Eleiyah baby, hey gorgeous, hey it's okay." He said stroking the hair out of my face,
"The baby, is she alright?" I whispered in a husky voice and coughed again.
"Eleiyah she's fine, she's perfect and she looks so much like you"
"What about ind and Bella?"
"They're fine, we left them at the house with porsche."
"I want to see them, and the baby, I want my girls"
"We'll get them baby, we need to check your ok first"
"They said you need a blood transfusion because you lost so much blood when you gave birth"
"I know"
"What do you mean?"
"I heard you taking to me earlier, I know that the girls broke an arm each and you've had cuddles with the baby"
"Is that all you heard?" Mercedes asked.
"No I heard you two talking about finding my dad"
"Is that it?" Mercedes asked. I didn't need to say anything so I shook my head and almost burst into tears.
"I can't do this" Mercedes said as she stormed out.
"Mercy" mum shouted after her and followed just as a nurse came in. She began checking over me.
"Mr Lombardi, you can go and get your daughter to meet your wife if you'd like" the nurse told Matt.
"Would you?"
"Of course" he said as he kissed me on the check and left the room.

Ten minutes later, he returned with a screaming baby wrapped in a pink blanket and wearing a pink hat.
"Hey look, here's mummy" he said as he placed her in my arms. She settled into my arms.
"Hello my baby girl, I'm sorry I've missed you little girl"
"I told you she was perfect" Matt said as he sat on the edge of the bed.
Mercedes and mum came back into the room, Matt got up, acting all protective.
"Let me explain at least" Mercedes said.
"Matt will you go and get me some stuff and get the girls?"
"I'll be fine"
"Ok I'll be back as soon as possible"
"Ok" I said as he kissed me and stroked the baby's head, who had now fallen asleep on my chest.
He left looking worried.

"May I?" Mercedes said as she pointed to the end of the bed. I nodded as she sat down and mum sat on the chair at the side of the bed.
"I was fourteen, Eleiyah, I couldn't be a mum at fourteen, I barely had a maternal bone in my body when I had Bobby let alone when I had you."
"I get that but I don't understand why you lied to me for my whole life"
"I couldn't do it, I couldn't bring myself to tell you, there was a time when I came to close"
"You were about 5 or 6 and mum asked me to pick you up from school and I was gonna take you to Alicante and we were gonna live, just me and you but I couldn't do it when you started asking about where mum was, I couldn't take you away from her"
"Nana knew didn't she?"
"Yeah" mum said.
"I remember you know, when mercy went missing when I was fourteen and nana said you were always special to mercy"
"I'm sorry" mercy said.
"It's alright, I just need this blood transfusion"
"Yeah I know, I have them a sample this morning"
"Who's my dad then?" I asked, mercy took a deep breath and mum giggled.
"This boy on our estate, we went to a party together"
"Did he ever know about me?"
"Not as my daughter only as my little sister"
"We knew that the less people that knew the better" mum said.
"Who knows then?"
"Me, you, mum, nana and jacqui"
"Not even John Paul or dad"
"No not even them darling" mum said as the baby stirred on my chest.
"Hey gorgeous, hey little one" I said as I kissed her head and stroked her few blonde hairs.
"I don't want to tell the girls, not yet"
"That's alright, we'll go at your pace darling as long as I can have a cuddle with this little cutie"
"Of course" I said as I carefully lifted her and placed her in mums arms. She cried and cried.
"Here she needs her mummy" mum said as she handed her back to me.
She settled and started to fall back to sleep as she lay vertically on my chest. I kept one hand on her back and the other stroking her head.
"You're such a natural with her you know" Mercedes said as she tickled my feet.

Not long after Matt can back. He had India on his hip and a bag in his hand. Bella walked closely behind him, both girls wearing hoodies and leggings with ugg boots. Bella had a purple cast on her arm and India had pink.
"Mummy" Bella and India shouted as she came in the door. Matt put India down on the bed and she crawled to between my legs, resting her head on my leg.
Bella couldn't lift herself up with one arm so Matt lifted her and sat her next to me.
"Are you ok mummy?" Bella asked as she rested her head on my arm.
"Yeah I'm fine, Daddy told me about your arms , are you ok?"
"Yeah Mum I don't really remember what happened"
"Me too Bella, what about you little miss, are you ok?" I asked as I scrunched India's hair.
"It's sore mummy" India said as she burst into tears. I pulled her up to the other side on me.
"Hey sssshhhh it's alright, mummy's here now, why didn't you tell Porsche?"
"I wanted you mummy"
"Hey I'm here now aren't I? It's alright indie, mummy's here" I said as I stroked her hair.
We lay there for a while in silence, the baby had fallen asleep and so had Bella but indie lay sniffling, and I stroked her hair.
"I'm not going anywhere ok?" I whispered in her ear. A doctor came in after that.
"Now Mrs Lombardi we have tested your mothers blood type and it is the same so when we have taken her blood, you can have your transfusion and hopefully that means you can go home soon and be with your daughters."
"Thank you"
"Is it alright to have the blood taken now?"
"Yes of course" Mercedes said as she grabbed her stuff and got up.
"I'll come with you love" mum said as she got up as well.
"Is that alright darling?"
"Yeah fine with me"

Bella was now lying on matts lap on the chair, she had woken up from her nap and was reading a magazine that Matt had got. India was doing the same but on the bed next to me.
"We need to decided on a name for her you know" Matt said,
"Yeah I know, I've been thinking about it"
"And what are you thinking?"
"Well it depends"
"On what?"
"On whether you like my I thing or you want to change it"
"I like the I thing"
"Yeah I kind of wanted to stick to that anyway"
"Okay so what do you like?"
"Imogen" Matt said
"Imogen, I like that, I really like that. Hey little miss what do you think of that?" I said as I stroked her hair. She didn't do anything but move slightly under the blanket.
"And what about her middle name?"
"I don't know, do you want multiple like these two"
"I like that I think"
"Yeah, I like Georgina"
"I love that"
"What about your mum's name?" I said
"Or her middle name?"
"Yeah and then what?"
"So her name is Imogen Georgina Ava Katie Lombardi"
"I love it" I said as I kissed her head.
"And I love you" Matt said as he kissed me.
"I love you more" I told him.

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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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