The next day

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In the morning, I woke up to see the three sisters that I shared a room with all sitting on their beds talking and Alexa sitting at the end of our bed wrapped in her blanket. I looked at the clock, it was just past 8:00am. I sat up. Mercedes saw me and said "morning munchkin" I smiled "morning mercy" Alexa crawled up the bed and lay on me giving me a hug. Jacqui look down from the bunk bed above Mercedes' and smiled at me. Carmel looked down from above me as well. I couldn't believe that my sisters all slept here last night. with Alexa in my bed rather than on the top bunk of mine, where Carmel slept and Jacqui in the spare bed above Mercedes. luckily both the bottom bunks were double beds, so there was enough space for me and Alexa.
"Who wants bacon butties?" We heard Nana call from downstairs, "Nana's home!!" She shouted. Both Carmel and Jacqui started to get down from their beds and I pushed my duvet off of me. Alexa put her blanket in her bed and got up too. well all scrambled down the stairs along with Porsche, Celine, cleo, Theresa and John Paul.

We all sat either at the breakfast bar, the kitchen table or on the sofas eating out bacon butties. Kathleen-Angel and Matthew were sat on the floor playing and Myra-P was sat in her baby bouncer. Nana had the radio playing and we were all silent eating with the occasional sound of a plate hitting the table. Mercedes was sat at the table with Alexa, Jacqui and I. she sat looking around at all of us. I saw her catch eye contact with Carmel and they winked at each other. "once you get one McQueen, you get us all!!!" Carmel shouted, everyone laughed and giggled.

When I was finished, I put my plate in the dishwasher and headed upstairs. I quickly hopped in the shower. when I got out, I put my hair in a donut for dance and put a red bow in it. I put on a black sports bra and zebra print red and black booty shorts. I put my team tracksuit bottoms on over the top and my team jacket. I started doing my make up when Alexa came in to get dressed. when she was dressed in her black sports bra and pink booty shorts, I did her hair in a bun and she chose a pink and black glittery bow. she put on the same tracksuit bottoms and team jacket as me, we are in the same competition team. i slipped on my trainers and so did she before we grabbed our dance bags and went downstairs.

Alexa and I were sitting on the sofa watching TV and taking selfies when Carmel came downstairs. we both smiled at her and she smiled back. she went I into the kitchen.

"nana" I shouted "yes darling" "we are going to dance now" "ok darlings make me proud" "we will" we shouted at the same time. we left out the front door and walked to dance. "are you happy Carmel is home?" Alexa asked me "well yeah of course I am, why do you ask that" "just wondering, where was Carmel?" She asked. I knew this would happen, Carmel hadn't had enough time to explain to us all where she was so Alexa would ask me all of the questions I didn't know the answers to. "I don't know, I think she's going to talk to us all about it later." I answered. "ok" she said as we reached our dance company.

In dance, I went to my solo rehearsal while Alexa went to her duet rehearsal and then we went to our group rehearsal. after the group rehearsal, we went to get changed in the locker rooms for our ballet class. I put on my pink tights, black leotard and pointe shoes and went to my class. when I had finished ballet we were all allowed a break for lunch. I took of my pointe shoes, tights and leotard and put on my leggings and sports bra with my team jacket. I grabbed my phone and purse and Alexa and I went to lunch at McDonald's.

After lunch we came back and I put on my tap shoes for tap class. I did my tap class before going to my trio rehearsal. After my trio rehearsal, I was finished, but Alexa still had a ballet class so I took off my tap shoes and out my tracksuit bottoms and team jacket back on with my trainers. I grabbed my bag and went into the viewing room to watch Alexa's class. no one else was in the viewing room, so I sat alone and played on my phone for a bit. when Alexa was finished, I went through to reception and waited for her. she got changed and came out to reception. "Eleiyah, Alexa here you go," our dance teacher said as she handed us a booklet of paper along with some other random pieces. "this is your script for the play, dates and info for it on this sheet, timetable for competition this weekend and your certificates from the last competition." We took them and said "thank you" at the same time. we left and walked home talking about our classes and this weekends competition.

The little McQueen-hollyoaks fancictionWhere stories live. Discover now