Loosing Gabriel

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Me:what do you mean?
John-Paul: she's given birth
Me: ok I will stay at home and look after Alexa and Matthew
JP: ok thanks I'll be home later.
Me:give her a huge hug from us
JP: I will bye


"Alexa" I called down the stairs as I looked at the scan picture on the wall next the Mercedes' bed. "Yeah" she said as the poked her head round the door "I need to tell you something" I said as I gently pulled her over to my bed and sat her down. Her eyes were already red and puffy because she was missing Mum this morning. "Mercedes wasn't feeling the baby kick yesterday afternoon and you know how she wasn't here last night, she was at the hospital because she had to give birth to her little boy. But the baby has died, he is in heaven now" "with Carmel, Tina and Phoebe" "yeah the are gonna look after him up there, ok? But Mercedes is gonna be very very sad about it ok? So you have to be extra nice to you."

A couple of hours later, I took Alexa and Matthew to the park and as I pushed Matthew on the swing. I could remember coming here only a few weeks ago and Mercedes talking about how she would come and bring her son here, she told me about how she would play football in the mud just to see the smile on his face. And that was a face that she would never see smile. That no one would ever see smile and yeah Mercedes had done some bad things in her life, like seriously bad things but she didn't deserve to loose her son. Her little Gabriel was gone just like a lot of other people in her family.

That afternoon Mercedes came home, Alexa had gone to dance and Matthew was at nursery, so I was sat on the sofa and she came through the door. I stood up and she ran over to me, and hugged me tighter than ever before except maybe once (that will come in later). She cried "he's gone, my little boy, he's gone" she screamed into my shoulder I just carried on hugging her.

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