Leave her alone

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I came down the stairs of the dog, with Isabella in my arms, I had been to see Mac and nita with her. As I got into the main bar, I saw Rachel standing there with people who looked like her family.
"Hi Eleiyah, hey Isabella" Rachel said.
"Hi Rachel" I said but again Isabella buried her head in my chest.
"You remember Rachel? She was at the studio the other day."
"Hi" she said quietly.
"This is my Mum, Lisa, my dad, Keith and my sister Monica" she said as she pointed to each of them in turn.
"Is that Nathan's eleiyah and Isabella?" Lisa said.
"Yes Mum" Rachel replied.

Lisa got up along with her sister.
"So you are the idiot that stole my daughters childhood sweetheart away from her?"
"No I mean well yeah but it was a mistake."
"No you did it on purpose got pregnant with this little brat then throw him away when your done."
"Don't you dare talk about my little girl about that, because that man has a habit of cheating he cheated on Rachel and he cheated on me."
"Maybe he just wasn't interested in a spoiled little brat and some cheap little sket" she said as I handed Isabella to Ellie.
"Don't you dare," I started.
"Mum leave her alone" Rachel said.
"Rachel I'm sorry" Lisa said as she rushed over to her.
"No just go, seriously" she said, her family all scurried out of the pub. Ellie came and handed me an upset Isabella
"Hey baby it's alright mummy's here" I said as I rubbed her back and she buried herself in my shoulder.
"I'm sorry, about my parents" Rachel said.
"It's alright it's my fault, about Nathan leaving you and leaving me"
"No it's his fault. I'm sorry"
"It's alright"
"I want to be friends, I don't want us to hate each other, I'm sorry for everything that happened."
"I don't know, you nearly killed my little girl when I was pregnant." I said as I cover Isabella's ears. "I need to take her home anyway. I'll see you later"
"Ok bye" she said as we left the pub.

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