Do what you want

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When we got home I got in the shower. Carmel had taken Alexa to price slice with her. When I got out Mercedes was sitting on her bed. She was holding her stomach like she did when she was pregnant with Bobby. My hair was wet but I had dried myself and got dressed in the bathroom.

I hung my towel on the back of the door as I shut it and sat down next to Mercedes. "I will support you, whatever you do. You know that right" I said to Mercedes. "What am i gonna do? Eleiyah I've got nothing, I can't raise this kid on my own" "who said you're on your own? I am here, you've got Carmel, nana, John Paul and you'll have Mum" "what when she comes back" Mercedes said sarcastically. "This could be the changing of you Mercedes. You can make up for Bobby and Riley and everything that has happened over the last year. Turn over a new leaf Mercedes, I will always be here. Whenever you need me," "promise?" "I promise" "I'm gonna have a think about it, ok?" She said and I nodded.

I got up and dried my hair before Mercedes French plaited it for me. After she had finished, she said "I am gonna have a lie down" "ok I need to go and get Alexa from her mates anyway, I'll see you later." I said as I put on my shoes "love you" she said "love you too" I grabbed my phone and left out of our bedroom. I shut the door behind me and went downstairs. Carmel was sitting at the kitchen table, Kathleen angel was sitting on the floor playing with her toys and baby Myra was lying in her bouncer seat.

"Carm mercy is having a nap upstairs please don't disturb her. Also I am going to get Alexa with the girls" "ok I have a meeting with an estate agents about buying a new space for my salon." "Cool come on then angel get your shoes on please" I said as I picked up baby Myra. I put her in her pram and strapped her in. I did up the strap on Kathleen-Angel's shoes and put on her cardigan. "Come on then let's go see you later carm" I said as I opened the door and pushed the pram out. I shut the door behind me and walked down the path. Kathleen-angel was walking next to the pram, talking to baby Myra.

We walked to the house that Alexa was at and collected her. On the way home, we stopped at the park. Alexa went on the swings and I pushed Kathleen-Angel on the smaller swings while baby Myra slept. I couldn't stop thinking about mercy. I didn't want her to have an abortion and then regret it later. I didn't want her to make a mistake because I know that she misses Bobby and wishes he was here. Whenever she sees pictures of him or Riley she goes quiet and sad. As I continued to push Kathleen-Angel, I got out my phone and text Mercedes. I said don't do anything you might regret, love you xxx

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