Actions have consequences

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He carried on shouting almost all morning. I had blocked it out by about 10 o'clock.

Mercy was started to get tired of it, he had almost hit the door down when she left to take Bobby to school. I did have to go into the studio today which was going to be a problem.

I heard the door unlock and mercy walked in with shopping bags in her hands.
"I'm gonna kill him in a minute" she said.
"I know, I need to go the studio in an hour, I don't know how I'm gonna do it"
"Just tell him how it is"
"How? How do I do that?"
"Your a McQueen, Eleiyah?"
"I know but what do I say"
"You tell him that what he did has caused him to not be able to be with you or see the girls"
"Ok will you watch the girls, India is asleep and Bella will be fine there"

I walked to the front door and opened it slowly. Then I shut it slowly behind me. Before leaving the porch to find Nathan sitting on the front wall.
"Eleiyah babe I'm so sorry" he said as he launched himself up and tried to hug me
"Don't touch me, I'm not here to take you back, not this time."
"Babe don't say that"
"Why it's true, what you did I will never forgive, your actions have consequences and those consequences are that you are not ruining my daughters love for the sake of your stupid women"
"Babe, you can't stop me seeing our daughters"
"My daughters I am not putting my girls what my dad put me through, alright"
"But the girls"
"What about them? You are never ever going to see them again and I swear if you come anywhere near them I will get you arrested like that" I said as I clicked my fingers.

I went back inside and stood at the window watching Nathan walk away.
"Izzy, India I love you" he shouted
Bella glanced up at me but soon went back to her toy.

The little McQueen-hollyoaks fancictionWhere stories live. Discover now