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"Hello you" I said as the nurse handed me my little girl. She was so small and perfect. I held her and stroked her forehead,
"I am your mummy, and I am going to protect you and love you forever. You are so perfect and so amazing. Your big sister Isabella is going to love you, we just need to decide on a name for you. I want to call you India but daddy isn't sure."
I heard the door swing open and Nathan stood with Isabella in one arm and a bunch of flowers in the other. He walked over to me and placed Isabella on the bed. Before placing the flowers down as well and kissing my forehead.
"How you feeling?"
"Better, now I can relax a bit more"
"Mummy is this my sister?" Isabella asked.
"Yeah this is your baby sister and you have to look after her lots and lots ok?"
"Yeah, what's her name?"
"Well we haven't decided, what do you want to call her?"
"I quite like that" Nathan said, who was now sat on the chair next to my bed.
"Same, what about India?"
"Do you know what she does look like an India." Nathan said
"I told you, so what are you thinking?"
"India as her first name with saskia in there, what about Mackenzie?"
"Yeah I like that and one more?"
"You chose"
"Yeah, after your sister, so her full name is India Mackenzie Carmel Saskia Nightingale-McQueen?"
"It's absolutely perfect, just like her."

A while later India started to get hungry so Nathan took Isabella home and I fed India before we both went to sleep.

The little McQueen-hollyoaks fancictionWhere stories live. Discover now