2 years later

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"Isabella, let's go please" I shouted into Isabella's room.
"Coming mummy, can I take my blankie"
"Of course"
"Can you carry me?"
"Come on then" I said as I picked her up, her thumb in her mouth and blanket in her hand.

We went downstairs and outside. It was a beautiful summers day. We walked to the dance studio. I unlocked the door and put down Isabella before going inside.

An hour later, the studio was full of noise and shouting, Isabella was wandering around, watching classes and eating a lolly that someone gave her.
"Eleiyah there's someone here to see you" the ballet teacher and my best friend Tammy.
"Who?" I asked curiously
"Don't know who she is"
I went out to the front desk, there weren't many people there. But I found Rachel sitting on the bench next to the front door,
"What can I do for you?"
"I heard about you and Nathan"
"Rachel that was over two years ago."
"I know, I just wanted to see if you were alright"
"Yeah I mean I'm fine" I said as I saw Isabella approaching me. I put out my arms and she came to sit on my lap.
"You alright Bella?"
"Yeah" she said as she rubbed her eyes.
"You tired?"
"Hi you must be Isabella" Rachel said. Isabella looked at me, she had always been confident with new people but obviously not Rachel.
"Yeah" she said nervously.
"Belle this is Rachel, she knows daddy"
"Hi Isabella"
Isabella smiled slowly before burying her head in my chest, I rubbed her back before placing her blanket over her.
"Does she see Nathan?"
"Rarely, he always arranges to see her and never comes. She sees Mac and nita though."
"Eleiyah you're needed" Tammy called from the door of studio A.
"I'm coming, urm do you mind if we catch up another time? I'm really busy at the moment"
"Urm sure I'll give you my number," she said as she followed me to the front desk.
"Just write it down here" I said handing her a piece of paper and a pen.
"Thanks I'll give you a call." I continued as I tried to get rid of her.
"Bye Eleiyah, bye Isabella" Rachel said as she stood at the door.
" bye" I looked down to see Bella asleep in my arms.
"She's asleep, bye" I said be ogre rushing into the studio to see what was going on.

The little McQueen-hollyoaks fancictionWhere stories live. Discover now