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I was eight months gone. Isabella was excited and so were Nathan and I. Mac had decided to hand over the pub to Nathan. We had moved in last week and we're finishing all the sorting out.
Nathan and I were both working. Bella was sitting on the sofa in the corner.
"Ahhhhh" I said as I fell in pain.
"What? What's wrong is it the baby?" Nathan said, rushing over to me.
"I don't know it hurts."

I was rushed to hospital and Bella was left with Porsche and Celine who had both recently moved back down here from Scotland.
"Hi Eleiyah, we'd just like to do a scan to see what this little one is doing?" The nurse said.
She started the scan, and I heard the heart beat racing,
"Ah everything is fine, I don't think this baby will be coming anytime soon. she looks a good size and healthy heartbeat."
"Wait she?" Nathan and I both said.
"Yes she, did you not know?"
"No we did but our 20 week scan, we were told it was a boy."
"No that's definitely a little girl"

We went home that afternoon. Bella ran up and hugged me right before I sat her down on the sofa.
"You know how mummy thought she was having a little boy baby?"
"Well we just found out that it's a little baby girl instead?"
"Yeah, is that good?"
"Yeah" she said as her face brightened up.
For the rest of the day we relaxed Nathan worked and Bella helped me with jobs like clearing glasses and various other things. I knew that we would be happy.

The little McQueen-hollyoaks fancictionWhere stories live. Discover now