Telling Nathan

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I grabbed my bag and coat before going out the house. I walked down the street and into the village to my dance studio.
It was mid morning so no on was there. I sat down at the front desk and got my phone out.
Hi I need to talk to you, can you come to the studio now?
I text Nathan, I couldn't believe I was about to tell him he was the father of our child.
I got on with some work and not long after I received a text back.
Yeah sure omw
Nathan xx
I put my phone down and carried on working until Nathan came in. I stood up from my desk and walked round in front of him. I was shocked when he kissed me and held onto my hands.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?"
"Erm you know a couple of months ago we spent the night together?"
"Yeah that was good"
"Well Nathan, I'm erm I'm pregnant"
His face dropped before he put his hands on my stomach and said
"Really?" I nodded as he looked up at me "we are gonna have a baby?"
"Yeah are you not upset?"
"No of course not its our baby Eleiyah"
"But what about Rachel?"
"What about her? I need to get away from her, she isn't right for me. I want you and I want our baby" an she kissed me again.
"I have a scan in a couple of weeks, my twelve week scan, are you gonna be there?"
"Of course I am babe"
"But Nathan I don't want to tell anyone until then just because of you tell Rachel, she'll get angry and it could stress me out and not be good for the baby, but Mercedes said that twelve weeks is safe for us to tell people."
"That's fine babe, whatever you want."
"You know the baby will be born around Christmas."
"Our little Christmas pudding. We can call it that until we know the gender." He said and smiled as he placed his hands on my stomach again.
"I love you so much Eleiyah McQueen"
"I love you too Nathan nightingale"
"And I love our little Christmas pudding too" he smiled kissing me again.
"I need to get back to the pub my shift starts in ten minutes do you mind?"
"Of course not, we'll be fine" I said as he kissed me again and left.

At least I knew that he wanted to be there for me and the baby.

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