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"You're not being nearly as helpful as you made it seem." I say as I lift a heavy box.

"I've been packing my own stuff all day." Luke says mumbling, his phone obviously taking all of his attention.

"You're irritating."

"Back atcha." He mumbles back.

I roll my eyes and set my box down. "I'm asking Ashton for help."

He looks up from his phone with a scowl. "Why?"

"Because I need someone who will actually be of some use." He rolls his eyes and looks back at his phone. I scoff and walk out of my front door just as Ashton walks out of his.

"Perfect! You busy?" I ask with a bright smile.

"Nope. I was actually gonna come see you. Need some help?" He says politely.

"You have no idea." He chuckles and follows me into my apartment.

"Sup Luke?" He says when he sees Luke on the couch. Luke waves him off and Ashton shakes his head.

"Does he ever not have his face in that phone?" He loudly whispers to me.

I giggle and loudly whisper back. "Nope."

"Fuck you both."

We both laugh it off and walk back into my bedroom. "I mainly just need help packing." I say as we walk into my disaster of a bedroom.

"Say no more." He smiles at me and sits cross legged on my floor. I join him and soon we're both sitting on my hardwood floor folding my clothes.

"I wish you didn't have to go." He says quietly.

I look up to see him already looking at me. "Ashton.."

"I know, I know." He chuckles slightly. "I'm just really gonna miss you. You're kind of a big part of my life now." He says sadly. "You're all I have."

I look up at him but this time he was frowning down. I reach out and grab his hands. He looks at our hands and then at me. "You're one of the most important people in my life Ashton. But my best friend needs me. I can't let Benn do this alone."

He pulls his hand back gently and chuckles dryly. "Don't act like this is entirely about Benn, Hannah. I know you better than that."

I look away as I instantly think of Luke, and then of Darcy.

"Hannah." I look back up. "You don't have to lie to spare my feelings. I'm a big boy. I can handle a little rejection." He finally smiles again.

"Gross." I hear from behind me. I turn to see Luke and Michael standing in the door way.

"Mikey?" I stand up. "When did you get here?"

"Well since my best friend ditched me for her ex and my boyfriend dumped me I had to switch flights. And the flight I got was later. Thanks for that." He smiles sarcastically.


"Save it." He says before turning around and walking away.

Luke starts chuckling and I give him a shitty look.

"Boy you sure do know how to balance relationship, don't ya?" He says before chuckling again.

"Oh like you have any room to talk." I say before walking back to where I was sitting with Ashton.

"Whatever, I'm going back over to Ashton's. I need a nap."

"Don't care."

I hear him walk down the hall and then the door shut. "Boy this sure is working well between you two, huh?"

"Not in the mood." I say blandly.

"You do this to yourself. You realize that, right?"

"I know."

"And yet here we are."

I look up and give him a confused look. "You sitting on the floor with your first boyfriend while you argue with your most recent ex, who has a girlfriend." He sighs before continuing. "And to make things worse you left your friend who had just been dumped alone in California to be with said ex. Face it Hannah, you're a mess."

I groan and lay back, my legs still crossed. "What am I gonna do?" I mumble.

"Me?" Ashton says with a smirk.

"Shut up."

"There's plenty of ways you can fix this. But knowing you you'll only make it worse."

"Sometimes I can't tell whether I like you or not."

"You do. There's no denying that."

I look back at him with a smile as I think of how true that statement was. "Yeah."

"I really do."

Room 213 》"fall." Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now