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"God, what the fuck is your problem lately?!"

I wake up to the sound of Benn shouting. Which is weird considering I've never actually heard Benn raise his voice. He's only actually been talking for about five months so hearing him shout weirded me out.

"What's my problem? Are you serious?!" I hear Michael yell back. "You won't even kiss me anymore what the fuck do you mean what's my problem? Whats yours?"

I burst in the doors and they're only about a foot from each other. They both look over and Benn's face softens when he sees me. "Oh we didn't wake you up did we?" He asks gently.

"Who cares?!" Michael shouted back at Benn. "This doesn't concern you Hannah. Go." He says sternly.

"It most certainly fucking does concern me. What the fuck is going on in here."

"He got off the phone with someone and just started yelling at me!" Michael speaks up.

"That's not even close to being true but whatever makes you the victim, right?" Benn says rudely.
His eyes start to water up. "It was my mom, if you must know."

Uh oh. "What's going on, Benn?" I ask sympathetically.

He starts fully weeping. "She's dying, Hannah."

I see Michael's face soften and he reaches out for Benn. "Babe-"

But he smacks Michael's hand away and backs up. "Don't fucking touch me, Michael." He shouts. "I'm am so done with your shit!"

"What are you saying, Benn?" Michael says, pain obvious in his voice.

"I'm going to stay with my mom for a while. She lives in L.A. so I'll still be around." He pauses and looks at Michael. "But not much."

I walk over to him. "When are you leaving?"

"As soon as I'm packed. Can you help?" He says sadly.

"Yeah. Come on." I turn around to talk to Michael and see he's already gone. I shake my head and turn back to Benn.

"He's cheating on me." Benn says out of nowhere. "I don't have proof, per say, but I can tell. My dad cheated on my mom their entire relationship. I know a cheater when I see one." He says sadly.

"Benn-" I start.

"Don't Hannah." He pauses. "Not right now."

I nod and look down at my hands. "I was with Luke earlier."

"And? How'd that go?"

"I'm not sure."

He shakes his head. "You guys just never learn, do you?"

"No Benn. I guess we don't."

Room 213 》"fall." Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now