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I wake up the next morning and don't recognize my surrounding, but I soon realise that's just because I ended up staying at Darcy's instead of my own room. I look up and see that Darcy's already looking back at me with a smile on her face.

"Mornin' sunshine." She says in a sleepy groan, yet somehow still sounding happy.

I sit up and stretch. "Good morning." I flop myself back down onto her bed on my back. "Darcy."


I sigh and roll onto my side. "Since you only moved here for Cal, does that mean you're going back?" I ask timidly, the last thing I need is to piss off one of the only people that still likes me.

She rolls onto her back and stares up at the white ceiling. "No." She mutters. "I'll never go back."

She sits up and I do the same. We shuffle across the bed so we're both cross legged in front of each other. "I think, even though I did really care for Calum he was only a means to an end. I was always going to leave, he just gave me the excuse to do it."

I smile at her and she tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I stare into her eyes as we smiled at each other, but before I could think about anything else a loud knock startles us both. "I'll get it." She mutters.

What the fuck was that, Hannah? Did I just think about kissing Darcy?

She walks back to the bed and I see Benn trailing behind her. "Hey." He says shyly.

"Hi Benn. Where's Michael?"

He sighs and rolls his eyes. "Who knows."

"Wait, what?"

"I haven't seen him since last night. After you two left we got into a big fight and he went to Luke's. But I called Luke and he has no idea where Michael went."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and look at Darcy. "Where could he have gone?" But Darcy couldn't reply because he phone started ringing. She rolls her eyes and walks out to the hallway.

"That was weird." Benn says once she's outside. "So," He starts. "How'd last night go?"

I furrow my brow. "What do you mean?"

"I dunno. You two seem... close."

I stand up and point to him. "Watch it, I'm not a lesbian." I walk slightly past him into the bathroom.

I hear Benn's mumble. "Whatever you say."

Room 213 》"fall." Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now