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Everyone clears out of the room and we're left completely alone. For the first time in almost six months. I'm terrified.

He steps closer to me, but not fast by any means. Its obvious how cautious he's being, which with my current emotional state I think he's probably smart in that sense.

He reaches me and just stares at me for nearly a minute before wrapping his long arms around me and engulfing me in a tight hug. I hesitate, but hug him back, despite the fact that I'd rather punch him.

I shove him off of me after less than a minute. "What the fuck Luke?!" I shout. He gives me a puzzled look. "Don't look at me like that." I say softly.

"I'm so confused."

"Good!" I blurt out before he gets the chance to say anything back. "I hope I'm fucking with your head. I hope that maybe even if just for a minute you feel even a little like I have the last six months." Fuck, here come the tears. "I've cries nonstop for months, Luke. I've been-" I stop for a second to catch my breath. "I've been fucked up. Both literally and figuratively."

He chuckles and shakes his head as he sits on the foot of my bed. "And you don't think I haven't been?" He asks sternly.

"Honestly?" He nods. "No." I shake my head. "I think you've been busy fine. I think everything's been normal for you, if not good."

"You're wrong." He stands back up and begins walking to me again. "I've missed you so much." He puts his large hand on the side of my face and I feel him lifting my face towards his.

I shove him away from me again. "Will you quit shoving me!"

"No, I absolutely will not." I say sternly. If he thinks he's getting past me this fast then he's even more of an idiot than I thought. And that's saying a lot.

"You're being childish."

"Excuse me?!" I walk towards him. "Childish? I'm being childish?" I get closer to him and the closer I get the more angry I get. "And you're being an asshole." I scoff. "But what else is fucking new!" I shake my head and walk over to his jacket and pick it up. "I want you to leave." I say sternly.

"Hannah-" Before he can finish I throw his jacket in his face.

"Get the fuck out!" I shout. He throws his jacket on the floor and walks at me really fast. As soon as he gets to me he grabs both sides of my face and smashes it into his. The kiss doesn't last long because I pull back and feel my hand slide across his face.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

"Hannah Grace why won't you just accept that somebody actually cares about you!" He shouts at me, all the while running his red cheek.

I feel myself instantly calm down. I take a deep breath and shale my head at him. "Because what ever love we had, is gone." I sigh. "I'm sorry Luke. But I can't love you the way I used to." God damn it, more tears. "You deserve someone who can love you one hundred percent. And I'm not that girl."

"Hannah." I see his eyes start to tear up. "I'm sorry."

"That's just not enough anymore Luke."

He shakes his head and turns sharply towards the door. He gets the door open but I stop him. "Luke." He turns and looks at me, eyes still tear filled. "I like you better when you're blue." He nods and walks out the door.

Darcy walls in soon after and wraps her arms around me and I instantly collapse. She gets down on her knees and throws her arms around my neck gently. I wrap mine around her waist and continue sobbing.

And that's how I remained for hours. Sobbing into Darcy's shoulder.

Sad, lonely and in pain. But she helped. A lot. Made me feel... I dunno. At ease. And in that moment, she was all I had. She was all I needed.


Don't worry it stops being sad after this chapter lmao it gets fun and happy soon I swear


Room 213 》"fall." Book IITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang