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"So let me get this straight." Darcy says. "You knew and you still had sex with him?"

I walk out of the bathroom with a towel on my head, fresh out of the shower. "Yep."


"Is that why you gave us that look when you saw us at the diner?" I ask, sitting cross legged in front of her on my bed.

"Kind of."

"Kind of?"

"I know his girlfriend really well. And I know why he takes girls to that diner." She says slowly.

"What do you mean?"

"The same reason he 'lives' in that motel room every few days."

"Ew!" I start freaking the fuck out, with every good reason, might I add. "God I think I need another shower.

Darcy smiles at me. "How do you know his girlfriend?" Her smile drops.

"She's my sister."

"Oh my God!" I feel my jaw drop and my eyes widen. "You know your sister's boyfriend is cheating on her and you don't tell her?!" I exclaim.

"I'm pretty sure she already knows. She's caught him multiple times." She says sadly.

"Why does he do that?!"

She sighs. "He tries to blame you but I call bullshit."

"Me? How?"

"He says you were his first heartbreak. Says he hasn't been the same. But I think he's just a douche and won't admit it."

She looks down at her phone until she hears me sniffle. She looks up and sees the tears start to form. "Hannah.."

"It makes so much sense." I mumble to myself. "Of course it's my fault. It makes so much sense." I continue to myself.

"Hannah. He's using it as a crutch."

"So am I!" I shout back at her. "I hated my school so I used him as an excuse to leave. I hated being alone so I used him leaving as an excuse to sleep with my ex." I sigh and start rubbing my forehead. "I guess we're more alike than I thought."

Darcy lifts my face up. "The difference is, you're not afraid to admit you fucked up." She smiles. "That takes balls."

"Thanks, Darcy." I say as I start to smile back at her.

"Anytime kiddo."

I start laughing. "Ew! Did you just call me kiddo?" We both laugh as loud as we could. And I finally start to feel like my old self again. I look up at Darcy's smiling face and feel nothing but pure joy.

"I'm so glad we met." I say after the laughing dies down.

"Me too."

"I don't wanna leave you. I only have a week left."

Her smiles fades a little. "Then don't."

I furrow my brows and look up at her. "What do you mean?"

"When Luke comes back just get more stuff and come back with him. I mean, not like, with him but come back."

I smile at her again. "Ok."


"Absolutely." We both smile again. "We'll live out of hotels together for the rest of our days."

"I'm so fine with that."

"Me too."


Ok so I won't be posting again until Thursday and then I'm taking a short break but then I'll post every few days until the books done :)

The rest of the book is gonna be in NY so get stoked


Room 213 》"fall." Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now