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"I'm gonna go out for a bit." I shout past my closed double doors. I hear a simultaneous 'okay' from both of them and proceed to walk out of my door. As I walk out I see a girl with medium length blonde hair walking out of hers. I smile and begin to walk towards the elevator, the girl close behind me. I step into the elevator and press 1. "Which floor?" I ask the girl. She says 1 as well so I just step back and stand awkwardly next to her.

I look over at her and she smiles. "You knew here?" She asks warmly.

"Unfortunately." I respond as I stare at the doors of the elevator.

She nods. "Are there any good cafés near here?" I ask, still not looking directly at her.

"Yeah! I'm actually headed to one now, if you wanted to just walk with me. I'm meeting my boyfriend there."

I finally look back over at her and smile. "Sure."

She sticks her arm out. "I'm Darcy."

I shake her hand. "Hannah."

The doors open and she walks in front of me a little bit. Not too much, but just enough to let me follow her.

"So Hannah." She says suddenly. "Where are you from?"

I sigh. "Tennessee. But I live in New York." She grins and nods. "How about you, you from here?"

She laughs. "No, thank God." She looks down at her feet, almost in an embarrassed way. "I met my boyfriend online, and moved here to be with him. Hence why I am in a hotel room."

"That's cute! How long have you been together?"

She smiles warmly. "Six months online and four months in person." I just simply nod and the rest of our way there is spent in silence.

"Welp, we're here." She says as we approach a bigger-than-most Starbucks. We walk in and she tells me to have a seat. As I look down at my phone I hear her squeal and hear a familiar voice reply to it. I look up and see her clinging to Calum.

I stand up and walk over to them. "Calum?" He steps out of his tight hug with Darcy and his smile turns into confusion as he notices me.

"Hannah?" I smile and we walk towards each other and hug each other tightly. He pulls back and just stares at me. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Dream vacation. Michael and Benn are forcing me to have fun." He laughs and Darcy walks up to us, looking obviously confused.

"Am I missing something?" She asks sternly.

Cal laughs. "Remember the Hannah I told you about? Luke's girl from New York?" I hear his name and my face falls and my stomach tightens.

"Oh my God, you're that Hannah?" I nod shyly. "Makes sense." She looks over at Cal. "So, coffee?"

"Sure." He looks over at me. "The usual?" He says with a smile. I nod and smile back.

I sit with Darcy at a booth in the very back and closest to the window. Same as back home. Cal brings us our coffee and me and Darcy just sit and talk.

"Good thing we came today and not tomorrow." She says with a chuckle as she checks her phone.

"Why?" I ask.

She looks up, the smile gone. "Luke works tomorrow. So we would've ran into him instead of Cal. Awkward right?" She chuckles awkwardly and looks back down at her phone.

"Yeah." I say lowly. "Awkward."


Hayley Kiyoko is Darcy and there's a pic of her in the media section :)


Room 213 》"fall." Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now