"It Was You." Chapter 28

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Emily's POV

"You." Luke says, staring at my captor.

I don't remember much, but somehow, they had taken me from the boardwalk last night, brought me to this abandoned building and tied me to this chair. I have a faint memory of smelling something really bad and that's when I passed out.

"Long time no see. How've you been?" The girl who took me asks my boyfriend.

"Luke, how do you—" I begin to say but doors slamming and the sound of loud footsteps interrupt me.

The door bursts open, revealing Bryana, Ashton, Calum and Michael.

"Emily!" Bryana exclaims, running over to me, the boys following her. She starts to untie the rope that bound my hands.

"Wait, is that.." Ashton says.

"Hello again, Ashton." The girl greets him, crossing her arms.

"Oh my god." Calum mumbles.

"It was you." Michael states.

"Rebecca, why did you do all of this?" Luke asks.

"It's nice to see you too," The girl smirks.

"You were the one sending the letters?" Bryana asks.

"Took you long enough." Rebecca scoffs.

"Why?" Luke asks again but more demanding this time.

"Because, Luke! Don't you get it? We're meant to be! We always were," Rebecca says, throwing her hands up. "Then she came along." She finishes, looking at me with a disgusted look.

"Rebecca, you were too controlling. Too annoying. We were never 'meant to be'." Luke tells her.

"Yes we were!" She screams, her hands forming into fists.

"Ow," Michael says, putting his finger to his ear.

"So this was all because of jealousy?" I ask, walking closer to her and Luke.

"Yes. And I would have gotten away with if it wasn't for you meddling kids."

"Um, I'm 22." Ashton says, raising his hand.

"Wait, if you did this because you're mad at Emily for dating Luke, why did you send me letters too?" Bryana asks.

That's a good question. Bryana didn't have anything to do with me and Luke, so why attack her too?

Rebecca shrugs. "It's just fun."

"You're insane," Michael laughs.

"I'm not insane! I'm in love." She says, running up to Luke and wrapping her arms around him.

"Hey, get off me!" Luke yells, trying to push her off but her grip was impressively strong.

I run over to him and help pull him away. "Let go!" I tell Rebecca.

"Never!" She says.

The other boys grab onto her and finally managed to pry her off of Luke.

"No!" She screams, trying to smack them away but Calum and Ashton kept their hold on her.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you?" Michael asks, breathing heavily.

"Nothing is wrong with me!" Rebecca scoffs.

"There obviously is," Bryana says loudly. We turn around and see her walking over from where we came in. "That's why they're here." She says, pointing towards the door.

Right on cue, the door busts open and the police pour in. Two of the take Rebecca out of Calum and Ashton's hands while another puts handcuffs around her wrists.

"Let's go," One of them tells her.

"Wait for me Luke!" She screams over her shoulder.

"Not likely." Luke mumbles, making me giggle.

Three more policemen come in to make sure we're okay. After everyone said they were, they began to ask us questions about Rebecca.

Thankfully, we protected Bryana and I's secret through the interrogation. Some of our answers were vague but hopefully the officers didn't think anything of it.

As we were walking back outside, Rebecca was already gone. As the other policemen get in their car, they thank us.

"Wait, Officer," I say, holding my hand up. He straightens back up and turns to face me as I make my way to him.

"What's going to happen to her?" I ask.

"Rebecca Marshall has a record of mental problems. She'll probably be put into a hospital for a psych evaluation. If it's positive, she'll be sent to a sanitarium out of the state. If not, she'll be put in jail." He explains.

"Don't worry. She's not going to bother you again." He smiles.

"Thank you," I smile.

I walk back over to my friends as they drive off.

It was quiet for a moment as we all stood around, then Luke spoke up.

"Well that was crazy." He says and everyone agrees with him.

"Anyone up for ice cream?" Michael asks.

I turn around and scoff at him. "Michael, you don't get ice cream at a time like this," He frowns.

"You get frozen yogurt!" I finish.

"Yeah!" Calum smiles.

"Let's go get some fro-yo!" Bryana says.

We all run to the car, happy that the nightmare we just lived is over. Luke drives to the boardwalk and we go to the frozen yogurt stand.

Me and Luke order Cookies and Cream, Bryana, Ashton and Michael order Chocolate Chip and Calum asks the girl working what she recommends.

"My favorite is chocolate," She smiles.

"Then I'll have that with a side of your number." Calum winks, leaning his elbow against the rack of cookies and making them fall over. Everyone busts into laughter and Calum scolds us.

"Shut up."

Doesn't it seem like something Calum would do ?? I think so. 😂

BUT OMG ONLY 1 MORE CHAPTER!! I'm sad this book is ending but I'm also happy because that means I get to work on my new ones!

Don't forget to vote & comment & all that 😛

Ily guys ! 💗

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