"Do As I Say or the World Finds Out." Chapter 20

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The anonymous texter didn't text back for a while. He started texting me when I got home, which was about 9:30.

Now it was 15 minutes until 11 and I still have no reply from them.

It had been along day and I was pretty tired. I wanted to go to bed. But I also wanted to stay up and find out what this person has to say.

My eyes drift shut but I try keep to keep them open. I did this a couple times until I almost fell asleep.

Maybe the unknown person texting me was done for the day. Maybe they fell asleep or wasn't going to send a message back this time.

I yawn and grow very tired. I took this as a sign to set my phone down on my bedside table and go to sleep.

I pull the sheets up to where they were just under my chin and roll over so I am on my side. I get comfortable and soon, a sensation washes over me and I fall into sleep.


My phone dings.

My eyes pop open and I grab my phone.

I unlock it and read the message.

'You'll be given a series of letters each day for a week. They all will contain something you have to do. Your first letter arrives tomorrow. Follow the instructions and your secret will be kept safe. Don't, your secret becomes public.'

I couldn't believe my eyes. Whoever this was, they were blackmailing me. If I didn't do whatever crazy things they wanted me to, they would tell the world about me.

I would be sent to a lab. Scientists would poke around on me and run tests. There would be no way of stopping them from doing so. I highly doubt they would believe it if I told them I went to Hawaii and a cave behind a waterfall turned me into a fish.

I laid there staring at the message. This was too much for me to take in.

I hopped out of bed and slowly walked downstairs while rubbing my face with both hands. I got a glass from the cabinet and filled it up with water from the refrigerator.

The tap water was too salty for me. It left a bad taste in my mouth. The water from the fridge always calmed me down.

I had a couple glasses of this water and as I finished, I set the glass in the sink and went back up to my room.

I climbed back into bed and closed my eyes, trying to go back to sleep.

I tried not to think about the things I would just told. I tried to think about sleep and sleep only.

It didn't help.

That message kept me up all night. I got no sleep and by the next morning, I was sat straight up in my bed, staring at my floor. I hadn't moved from that spot all night.

When it started getting sunny outside, I turned slowly and looked at my alarm clock.


I hear footsteps coming toward my room and I look at the door just as my mom walks in.

"Oh, you're awake. Here. This came for you in the mail." She says, giving me a letter.

I wasn't quick to take the letter, having an idea of what it was.

My mom noticed this and questions me about it.

"Are you okay, sweetie?"

I blink a couple of times and rub my eyes.

"Yeah," I lie. "I just didn't get much sleep last night."

"Oh. Well how about you try to go back to sleep? I'll leave you alone and tell Seth to be quiet." She says, walking out of my room and closing the door behind her.

I nod, even though she can't see me. I sink back down in my bed, trying to sleep.

It still doesn't come.

Now, it wasn't just the message keeping me up, but the letter. I stare at it for a while before deciding to open it.

I take my finger, ripping it open and pull the letter out. I unfold and read it.

'Day 1
Emily, today you're sick. You won't go out today. You will stay home. You will say no to whatever your friends suggest you do today. Fail, your secret is out.
Have a fun time today!'

I still couldn't believe it. This person was ruining my life! Why did this person have to do this? Why couldn't I just live happily, knowing the boys wouldn't tell a soul?

That day, I was sick. I didn't go anywhere. I stayed home. I told the guys I couldn't hang out with them.

It was horrible.

Hello peoples! How do you feel about what Emily has to do? Leave your feedback below and tell me who you think it is!

Tbh I came up with this idea as I was writing chapter 18 and it's not well planned so sorry about that 😂😁

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Thanks for reading :-) Ily 💗

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