"So Tell Me All About You" Chapter 16

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Emily's POV

"So," Bryana says, setting a cup of coffee down on the coffee table in front of me.

I grab it and take a sip. She sits down on the couch in front of me and takes a sip of hers.

"Tell me all about you." She finishes.

"What do you want to know?" I ask, setting the cup of coffee in my lap.

"Everything," She laughs.

"Okay," I smile. "Well, it all started when I went to Hawaii this summer. The beach house we were staying it was amazing. So I decided to go exploring. There was a path behind the house leading to a waterfall, so I followed it. The water from the river was surprisingly warm so I started swimming around. I didn't plan on staying long so I got out. But I realized I was on the wrong side. I didn't want to get back in the water so I tried to find another way back across. That's when I found this.. amazing cave," I say.

I stop to take a breath. Bryana was staring at me intently, ready for me to keep going.

"It was beautiful. Sunshine from a hole in the top created a sparkle on the water it had water in it. It was alot shallower than the river so thinking it was my best bet, I jumped in. That's when it started rising. I thought it was going to drown me. I didn't know what to do. The water started to bubble and i felt tingly. After that, it died down. I finally got out and made my way to the other side. Then I walked back up to the house. I went two hours until I took a shower. Then it happened," I tell her.

"Your first tail appeared." Bryana smiles. I nod.

"Then I revealed the powers. I found out I could freeze things, heat things and move water. But I can't hide my tail like you did. How did you do that?" I ask.

Bryana shifts, smirking. "I've been a mermaid for four years. I found out the same way you did. A while before, I had gone to the beach. It was my first modeling session. I had pictures taken and then I was free to do whatever. I went exploring, just like you. I found these rocks on the side of the beach. They jetted out into the water. So I started climbing them. It wasn't long until I came across a hole in the rocks. Water was in it. I thought it was a pool, maybe some kind of spring. I got in and the water began to bubble. I felt tingly and I got out as fast as I could," She tells me.

"But not fast enough," I finish for her.

She smiles and shakes her head. "Nope. But I'm glad. At first I thought it was horrible. But then I started getting the powers. I had the same ones as you, freezing, heating and moving. But as time went on, they became more advanced. I got a power where I could move more than water. Solid objects too. And the ability to turn completely invisible. Then about six months after I changed, I got the power to hide my tail." She tells me.

"Six months?" My jaw drops.

"You're telling me I have to wait five more months before I hide my tail? I've already blown off Luke a thousand times this week!" I exclaim, running a hand through my hair.

This was not good. If I said no to getting in water every time someone asked for the next five months, I'm loosing my boyfriend.

"It's okay, Emily. I can help you out," Bryana comforts me, putting a hand on my knee.

I nod, taking deep breaths.

"I'm over reacting, aren't I? I mean, if you hid your tail for six months, it can't be that hard." I decide.

"Oh, I didn't hide my tail," She says.


"Yeah. My friend found out after two days. Falling into a fountain wasn't the way I was planning on telling her, but it just kinda happened." She shrugs.

"Great," I sigh, leaning my head on my hand.

"Does anyone know about you?" She asks.

I nod. "Calum saw me about a week ago."

"Well I've learned alot now. So we can figure out something. I promise." Bryana smiles.

I smile too. "Thanks Bry," I say, giving her a hug.

A/N: This was a pretty boring chapter but the next one will be epic 😝

I'm so sorry about not updating in forever! But we got our wifi fixed so I can update! But school has started back so I don't have how much time I will have to write :-(

Wll goodbye guys 💓 ily and thanks for reading! Vote if you think it's good 😋

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