"I Know Your Secret." Chapter 19

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When I got home that day, I was so happy. The boys had found out the secret but they promised they weren't going to tell a soul.

And I believe them.

I could finally go to sleep without worrying about what I would have to lie about the next day.

I change into my pajamas, smiling to myself as I do. I take off my makeup,  brush my teeth and get into bed.

As I slip under the blankets, my phone dings, signaling I have a message. I unlock it and read the message.

Unknown Number

'I know your secret'

I immediately grow scared. Tons of questions flash through my mind.

What's going on?
Who was this this person?
How did they get my number?
Was this a prank?
Or was this real?
Do they know that I'm a mermaid?
Should I text back?

I contemplate on it for a while, but I do.

'Who are you and what do you know?'

I bite my nails and nervously wait for a reply.

I receive another message from the same number in less than a minute.

'You're species could make me a billionaire in a flash.'

This can't be happening. It starts to grow hot in my room. I begin to sweat.

Who was this? How do they know? This is exactly what I was afraid of. Was telling the boys a mistake? Did one of them tell someone?


They wouldn't. They're my best friends. They promised they wouldn't and they wouldn't break a promise.

Or would they?

'Who are you?' I send.

'You'll know when I tell the world your secret.'

'Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?'

'You're going to do as I say if you want to keep your secret under the radar. Got it?'

I read the message.

I didn't know who this person was or what they wanted from me but I was not going to let them tell the world my secret.

Mine and Bryana's secret.

I might can't save myself, but I won't let this person find out that she's a mermaid too.

'What do I have to do.'

I was ready for whatever this person had planned.

Hey guys! This was a short chapter but the next ones will be longer!

What's up? I feel like I haven't talked to you guys in forever.

Thank you so much for reading! It means alot! 💜 vote for it if you think it's good! I love you guys!

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