"Sorry, Luke. I'm Pretty Tired." Chapter 13

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Luke's POV

"Luke! What are you doing?" Michael asks me annoyed. I couldn't think straight and it was affecting my guitar playing.

"I'm sorry, I'm just... distracted." I sigh.

"Let's take a break," Ashton says, standing up and taking a sip of his water.

I set my guitar on it's stand and plop down on the couch. Michael comes over and sits with me.

"You okay, mate?" He asks, taking a sip of his water.

"Yeah," I lie.

Michael glares at me, giving me the 'are-you-kidding-me' face.

"No," I sigh, propping my feet up on the table in front of me.

"Tell Michael about it." He tells me.

"Well, you know how I asked Emily to go to the beach with me and she never will?" I ask. He nods so I keep going.
"Calum said he was late for practice because he was swimming with her."

"Maybe it was a pool? She could just not like the ocean," He suggests.

I shake my head. "Before she went to Hawaii, we would swim in the ocean almost everyday."

"Maybe something happened to her and now she's scared to go in the ocean." Michael suggests again.

"I don't know," I say, rubbing my forehead. But why would something happen to her and she not tell me?

"Just ask Calum about it," Michael tells me as Calum comes back downstairs.

"Calum," I say, standing up walking to him, leaving Michael to play Game Of Thrones.

He looks at me awkwardly and picks up his bass. "Hm?"

"Did you say you and Emily went swimming?" I ask, leaning on the table beside him.

"Uh, yeah," He says, strumming lightly.

"As in the ocean? Or a pool? Or a lake?"

"The ocean," He specifies.

"And did she say why she would go with you and not with me?" I ask.

"I asked her to go," Calum tells me. "So it's not like she doesn't want to go with you."

"Then why won't she?"

"She told you. She was tired the first time. It's understandable because she just got back from Hawaii. The second time she was sick, and the third time she wanted to tan." He explains.

I sigh. He is right. All of that was understandable. But why didn't they invite me?

Before I could ask Calum anything else, Ashton comes back downstairs and says the break is over.

Of course.

But now I have a plan.

After band practice is over, I call Emily. If she really wasn't avoiding me, I want to see if she'll go with me now.

"Hey Lukey," She answers.

"Hey. Are you doing anything?" I ask as I make my way to my car.

"No, not at the moment," She tells me.

"Perfect. We just got out of band practice and I'm really sweaty so do you want to come to the beach with me to cool off?"

"Sorry, Luke. I'm pretty tired," She tells me. "My mom had me running errands all day."

"Running errands?" I think out loud.

"Yeah. I had to go get her medicine, pick up some food, go by the bank, stuff like that." She explains.

"Oh, okay. Maybe another time." I sigh.

"I'm really sorry, Luke," She tells me.

"It's fine. I know how moms can be, I've got one too,"

"I love you," Emily tells me.

"Love you too," I say and hang up.

If she was out running errands for her mom, then how was she at the beach with Calum? Did she lie to me to spare my feelings? Or did Calum lie to me to make me jealous?

I'm going to find out.

A/N: Hey guys!

I'm so sorry this is so late! I've been really busy and haven't had time to write. 😁

Please go check out my friend Zixing's story. It's called Secrets and it's amazing! 😍 Her user is Zixing_5sos

Thanks for reading! I love you all 💗

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