"No." Chapter 21

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I wake up to the sound of sizzling and the smell of bacon and eggs. I open my eyes, taking in my surroundings. There was a coffee table, tv and chairs in front of me.

I had fell asleep on the couch last night.

I was watching episodes of Teen Wolf all day since I couldn't do anything with the boys.

Thinking of what I have to do for the week makes me sick. Sometimes I wonder if the person is going to tell my secret even if I do the tasks they desire.

All of the time I wonder who it is.

I tried to think of people who it could possibly be but all I come with are the boys and Bryana and none of them would tell the secret. It has to be someone other than them that I don't know about.

I roll off the couch and stand up. My mom looks over from the kitchen and sees I'm awake.

"Good morning, sweetie. Here's some bacon and pancakes for you." She says, setting a plate of food on the other side of the breakfast nook.

I mumble a sleepy "thank you" and start eating.

"You must have been pretty tired last night. You fell asleep watching tv. I was going to wake up and ask if you wanted to move to your bed where it would be more comfy but you looked so peaceful." She rambles.

"It's fine, mom." I tell her, taking a bite of the crunchy bacon.

She smiles and nods.

As I continue eating, she speaks up again.

"Oh! Another letter came for you in the mail."

She hands me a white envelope and take it, opening it carefully.

When my mom wasn't in range to read it, I take out and unfold the paper inside.

'Day 2

Good job yesterday, Emily. You did better than I expected.'

I shift in my seat, growing uncomfortable. Was this person stalking me now?

'Today, you'll say no. No going out, no hanging out with anyone, no doing anything. Stay in your house and say no to whatever your friends or family want you to do.'

Great. Basically, today would be just like yesterday. I wasn't going to do anything but now I didn't have an excuse.


As I finish eating, I hear the doorbell ring. I set my plate in the sink and walk to the door.

I open it, revealing my 5 best friends carrying gifts.

"Hey Emily!" Bryana greets me, giving me a hug.

"Uh, hi." I say awkwardly. I didn't know they were coming over. And why did they have gifts?

"Hey babe," Luke smiles, kissing my cheek.

When they all were inside, I shut the door.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"What? Is it illegal for your friends to come over?" Michael asks, sitting on the couch.

"No but you didn't tell me you were coming."

"Well," Ashton chimes in, sitting down and propping his legs up on the coffee table. "We didn't want to wake you if you were sleeping since you're sick."

Crap. I forgot I told them I was sick. Now I'm here, up and looking perfectly fine.

"That's why we brought you presents too." Luke says, handing me the one he carried in.

They got me gifts. How sweet! But I couldn't take them. They got them for me because I was 'sick'. I couldn't take a gift they got me because of a lie.

"Awh, thanks guys. But I can't take these." I say, giving Luke the present back.

"Why?" He frowns.

"I, um..." I try to think of excuse but nothing came to mind. The boys just stare at me with their eyebrows raised.

"Just take them. You know you want white chocolate," Bryana smirks, giving me the gift she brought in.

You smile and nod, giving in. "Okay."

"Yay!" Luke exclaims, giving back the one he had.

I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."

"Since you're sick and can't do anything, can we stay here and keep you company?" Michael asks.

As I set the gifts on the counter, I see the letter I got this morning.

'No hanging out with anyone'

I sigh and face my friends.

"No. I-I don't think that's a good idea." I stutter.

"Why not?" Calum frowns.

"Um, because I don't want you getting sick! It's not fun." I say and let out a fake cough.

"Oh," Luke says, looking at the floor.

"I really am sorry and I wish you could stay here. But what if one of you get sick and can't play or model?"

"She has a point. It wouldn't be fun with only three of us on stage." Calum points out.

"And I can't model if I'm in the bed all day," Bryana says, slightly frowning.

"I guess you're right," Michael sighs, getting up off the couch.

"I'll miss you, babe. Text me later?" Luke says, giving me a hug.

I nod and hug him back, smiling.

"Bye you guys!"

They create a symphony of goodbyes and walk out the door.

I let out a loud sigh and fall into the couch.

It was going to be another long day.



I haven't updated in forever. I didn't think I would tbh. I deleted Wattpad since I didn't use it that much anymore and I don't really know where I'm going with this story anymore..

Soo if anyone has any ideas or wants to help with his comment or message me PLEASE! It would be a huge help :) x

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