"Why Do I Have a Tail?" Chapter 5

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Going back to the house, of course I got yelled at for leaving a puddle of water everywhere.

I went straight to my room to change and then wiped up all the water I left behind.

"Where did you go?" Seth asks as I come into the dining room to take my seat.

"Down to the stream." I simply say, pulling out my chair and sitting down in it.

I didn't tell them what happened to me though. There was no way I was going to explain, or they would believe, that a pool almost swallowed me.

I went through the rest of dinner not saying much. I would nod or shake my head when my parents asked me a question.

"You seem quiet." My dad speaks, looking at me.

"Just hungry, that's all." I reply with a fake smile and take another bite of my chicken and rice.

I had no idea what happened to me down there, but I was thinking about it all day. It was something... magical.

Like me stepping in caused the water to grow warm and bubble.

But that wasn't possible, was it?

"Are you finished?" My mom says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I tell her, handing her my plate.

"You should go ahead and get your shower before Seth. You know he takes forever." She laughs.

I smile and nod, getting up and walking to my room. I grab my bath towel and my phone.

Going into the bathroom, I unlock my phone and see I have a new message. It was from Luke.

'Hey babe! I hope you're having a fun time in Hawaii! We miss you ❤️' It read.

I smile and text back:

'I miss you guys too!❤️'

I hit send and go to Spotify. I go to my favorite playlist and press shuffle.

I take of my clothes and step in the shower. I turn the handle and step back as water hits my chest.

I let the water run down my body and then turn around to wet my hair. As I turn around, I feel something in my legs.

A tingle.

I look down and notice bubbles forming and before I fall over. I land on the bottom of the bathtub with a thud.

"Ow!" I yell out. I cringe as I sit up and rub my head that hit the wall. I open my eyes and was about to stand back up but something stopped me.

"Why do I have a tail?" I ask myself, sounding horrified.

Where my legs and feet should be, there lay a gold colored tail.

"Emily? Are you okay?" I hear my mom's voice outside the door.

She cannot see what was now apart of my body.

"Um, yeah. I just- slipped." I lie.

"Do you need help?" She asks, turning the knob of the door.

"No!" I answer quickly. "I mean, no. I'm fine." Luckily, I had locked it and she couldn't get in.

I sit up father as reach out to turn the shower off. I had gotten enough water today anyway.

"Are you sure?" My mom asks.

"Yes, mom." I sigh.

I need to get rid of this. But how?

Think Emily

I grew a tail when wet so maybe it will go away when I'm dry.

I grab my towel that was laying on the floor and start drying myself off. In five minutes, I have my feet back.

I sigh in relief and lay my head back onto the shower wall.

What have I gotten myself into.

A/N: How did you like this chapter?

Guess what guys!! My mom got me tickets for ROWYSO 😻

I'm going September 9th so if anyone else is going that day comment your seats! I'm in section 9 row x 😅

Also, I'm so sorry for not updating in 2 weeks! I got my phone taken :( But I'm back :)

Thanks for reading! I love you guys ❤️

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