"WELCOME HOME!" Chapter 7

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*skip to their last day of vacation*

As I wake up, I realize this is the last morning I get to spend in Hawaii. Today we leave to go back to Australia.

I'm so happy to go back and see Luke and the guys but staying in Hawaii was really fun.

And weird.

Over the past 3 weeks, I've learned a lot about what happened to me behind the waterfall. And honestly, I'm not freaked out anymore. It's actually pretty amazing.

I know whenever I touch water, I have ten seconds before I grow a tail. Unless I have a towel to dry off, I have to use my heat power.

Yeah. I have powers!

If I ball my hand into a fist and hover it over something, the air starts to get steamy and I warm up whatever is under my hand. So if it's my tail, all the water disintegrates and I get my legs back.

I also have the power to freeze. If I point the palm of my hand toward something, it will freeze.

The last power I have is to move water. When I curl my fingers and twist my hand, I can move the water anywhere and anyway.

When I get back home, I don't know how I'm going to go swimming with Luke ever again. Almost every afternoon, we're in the ocean.

This tail was a blessing and a curse.

"Home here we come!" My mom says as she brings the last bag out of the house.

"Let's go!" Seth says and hops into the backseat.

I get in my seat and grab my headphones. As my mom shuts the top of the trunk and gets into the car along with my dad, she turns on the radio.

"I don't like this song." Seth states.

"It was my favorite back in high school." My mom tells him.

"You have bad music taste." He retorts.

"Seth, that wasn't very nice." My dad scolds.

"Yeah, well I never said I was a nice person." He shrugs.

"Is your sister rubbing off on you?" My mom asks him.

"Just change the song!"

I put my headphones in and All Time Low start to play. This is going to be a long car ride.

*back home*

"We're home!" My dad announces, waking me up.

I look out the window and see we were pulling into our driveway.

"Finally," Seth sighs, waking up too.

My dad parks in the driveway and we all unbuckle and get out. I grab my suitcase and bag from the back and unlock the front door.


Luke, Ashton, Calum and Michael we're all standing there. Streamers hung across the ceiling, there was a huge banner saying welcome home and Calum shoots a confetti cannon.

"Wow," I laugh. "You guys didn't have to do this."

"We wanted to welcome you back home." Luke smiles, giving me a hug.

"Actually, he did. We were dragged into it." Michael confirms.

"Oh, well it's nice to know you care." You say sarcastically, setting down your bags.

My mom and dad both come in and set down their things.

"Did you boys do this?" My mom asks.

"Yep." Ashton smiles and nods.

"Well that was nice of you guys." My dad tells them.

"Since your home now, want to go down to the beach?" Luke asks me.

Oh no. I knew this would come one day, but I didn't expect it to be today.


I haven't even thought of any excuses. I obviously can't tell him, he'll think I'm a freak.

"Um, actually I'm pretty tired." I lie.

"But you slept on the way here..." My dad says, confused.

I turn around and give him the 'what-the-crap-shut-up' face.

"She's pretty tired." He nods at Luke and takes his bags to his room along with my mom.

"Oh, okay. How about tomorrow?" He asks.

"Sure," You say, not being able to come up with another excuse. My life was going to be filled with them now.

A/N: I wrote this chapter while I got a spa treatment + my toenails painted 😂

How are you guys? Sorry for the late update. I wanted to give you guys another chapter today.

I don't know when I'm going to have wifi when I leave for the beach in 2 days, but I promise I'll post when I can. 💕


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