Chapter: 56

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Chapter Fifty Six 

When I wake up the next morning Cheryl isn’t next to me. My head is pounding and I feel sick, so Cheryl must feel twenty times worse. I crawl out of bed, almost tripping over the heels I wore last night and make my way slowly downstairs. 

I hear Cheryl and Sarah talking in the kitchen and put my hand on the door to go in, but something Sarah says makes me stop. 

‘So are you gonna tell her about that phone call you got yesterday morning?’ 
‘Do I have to?’ Cheryl grunts. 
‘Well, yes you do. Come on Chez you know she’ll understand you not wanting to be there.’ 
‘I don’t think she’ll see it that way, she wants Kate to pay for what she did… so do I, but that doesn’t mean I want to be in the same room as her… I don’t even want to be in the same building as her.’ 
‘And you really think Kimberley won’t understand that?’ 
‘No it’s not like that, I know she would… I’d just rather not involve her, I’m worried about her. I don’t think she can handle it.’ 

I just stand motionless, a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don’t know whether I want to run away, not hear anymore, or walk right in there and confront her. Then Sarah speaks up. 

‘Oh come on Chez. She handled you perfectly fine last night, didn’t she? And she’s handled everything so far. Better than I would have done, and certainly better than you – let me finish! I’m not saying you have to be alright yet, but anyone can see how much she cares about you. Kimberley would do anything for you, you silly cow. The least you can do is trust her.’ 
‘I do trust her, she’s the only person in the world I trust… apart from you.’ Cheryl adds quickly. Sarah laughs. ‘Good save! Just stop being such a martyr and pull yourself together. Kimberley’s got your back, you know.’ 
‘I do know.’ 
‘Then act like you know!’

Cheryl laughs quietly. ‘Your all about the tough love aren’t you Harding.’ 
‘You know me Chez I don’t do cuddles and soppy declarations.’ 
‘That’s true, I look forward to seeing how your child turns out.’ Cheryl says sarcastically, then; ‘Agh, Sarah that’s wet! Don’t, I’m poorly…’ 
‘Self-inflicted missus! Grab me the eggs please, then you can go and wake Kimbers up with Full English A Lá Sarah.’ 

They fall into silence, and I wait for several seconds, counting in my head before pushing the door open, fixing a smile onto my face as Sarah turns around. ‘Yay she’s up! Hope you’re hungry honey!’ 
‘I am, actually… d’you want some help?’ 
‘Nah I got this, you just sit there and enjoy the smell.’ She winks, turning her back to me again. 

I sit next to Cheryl at the breakfast bar and give her a cuddle. ‘How are you?’ 
‘I feel like I’ve genuinely died. You?’ 
‘Just a headache.’ 

Cheryl rests her hand on my leg under the table. ‘I’m so sorry about last night babe.’ 
‘I know, like I said last night, forget it.’ 
‘I don’t remember to be honest.’ Cheryl giggles. ‘I need to talk to you about something later babe.’ 
‘Yeah? What?’ 
‘Later.’ Cheryl whispers.


We decide to walk home from Sarah’s; it’s a nice day again and the fresh air will ease the hangovers. As we walk away I take Cheryl’s hand, and she smiles. 

‘Can’t believe we’re walking home in the same clothes we wore last night, I feel like such a skank!’ Cheryl giggles. 
‘So do I, I feel disgusting! At least there’s not much chance of running into anyone around here.’ 

Cheryl lifts our joined hands briefly, smiling cutely. ‘You not mad at me then?’ 
‘Oh, that all depends.’ 
‘…On what?’ 
‘On what you and Sarah were talking about before… about a phone call?’ 

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