Chapter: 51

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Chapter Fifty One

I received a welcome reception on my first day back at work a week after returning home, having spent every day up until then with Cheryl, every hour. 

‘Hey up Kim!’ Cheers one of the stylists. He was as gay as a maypole and the loudest person I’d ever met. 
‘Hi Mike, miss me?’ I smile, hugging him as he dances towards me. 
‘Oh absolutely sweetie! Just a heads up though, our boss up there is in a right foul mood so we’re all counting on you to cheer her up please!’ 
‘What’s wrong with her?’ 
‘You seen Devil Wears Prada? She’s been acting like her for weeks now. Been an absolute cow.’ 
‘Maybe she’s missed me.’ I laugh, making my way to the stairs, and Kate’s office, where I usually dump my stuff before grabbing a coffee. 
‘I hope so! Good luck with her!’ 

‘Morning!’ I say brightly to Kate when I go in. She briefly looks up from her laptop and smiles. 

‘Welcome back Kim, how are you?’ 
‘Great. Perfect.’ 
‘That good?’ 
‘Yep. Everything’s wonderful.’ 
‘So you’re all sorted now then?’ 
‘Absolutely. Better than ever.’ 
‘Happy to hear it darling… how’s Cheryl, happy to have you home?’ 
‘Yeah, we’re fantastic.’ 
‘Good… I’ll be right back.’ 

Kate slams her laptop down and stalks out of the room. I raise my eyebrows to myself, deciding not to let it bother me. I was far too happy to worry about her mood swings. 


‘Chez, you home?’ 
Cheryl comes out of the kitchen, smiling. ‘Hey you.’ 
‘Uh-oh, you’re not cooking again are you?’ 
‘Oh shut up.’ Cheryl laughs. ‘I was making a brew, want one?’ 
‘I’d love one… I’d love a welcome home kiss more though.’ 
‘Sorry.’ Cheryl smirks, making up for it by giving me a long, passionate kiss. 

‘I aim to please.’ She winks, slapping my backside into the kitchen. ‘How was your first day back?’ 
‘Great thanks, apart from Kate’s foul mood.’ 
‘Kate, I’ve never seen her in such a bad mood, nobody knows what her problem is but she’s really irritating everyone.’ 
‘And she didn’t say why? She didn’t tell you what’s bothering her…?’ 
‘I didn’t ask. It’s not my problem, I’m happy, screw her.’ I shrug, and Cheryl laughs. 

‘She did say one positive thing though.’ 
‘There’s like a casual party thing this Saturday, nothing special or formal, just a get-together of everyone and their partners and stuff, wanted me to ask you if you were up for it.’ 
‘Oh… I dunno babe, wouldn’t I attract too much attention?’ Cheryl cringes. 
‘Nah don’t worry, everyone works with celebrities all the time.’ 
‘You don’t have to, obviously, if--’ 
‘Nah I didn’t say no.’ Cheryl smiles. ‘It sounds like fun, I’m pretty sure I’m free, I’ll check with Lily but yeah, count me in.’ 
‘You should get a little diary or something, I feel sorry for poor Lily.’ I laugh. 
‘Oi, that’s what she’s paid for.’ Cheryl smirks. ‘She’s paid to remember. Anyway I forgot, something to tell ya.’ 
‘Aye… Parachute’s gone platinum!’ 

I have just taken a gulp of tea and involuntarily, I inhale, causing myself to choke violently, tears instantly springing to my eyes. 

As soon as I can breathe again I gasp, ‘Platinum?! You’re serious, platinum?!’ 
‘Why on Earth didn’t you tell me that the second I walked through the door?!’ 
‘I dunno.’ Cheryl shrugs, still by the look on her face trying not to laugh at me. ‘I thought it’d be more fun to see you choking?’ 
‘Oh, hilarious Cheryl, really(!)’ 
‘I know I am.’ 
‘I’m so proud of you, that’s incredible, c’mere.’ I pull her into my arms. 
‘Aye, don’t be soft I only wrote it cos of you!’ 
‘But you wrote it and sang it and promoted it and did that amazing video… in fact I want to listen to it right now to celebrate.’ 
‘I’d rather we celebrated another way…’ Cheryl purrs, pulling me back as I go to the front room and snaking her arms around my waist. 
‘Cheryl, bloody hell do you ever think about anything other than sex?’ I sigh in mock annoyance.
Cheryl’s face falls and her arms drop slightly. I can’t keep a straight face and a snort of laughter escapes me. ‘Aaaah babes, I’m kidding… gotcha.’ 

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