Chapter: 16

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Chapter Sixteen

I don’t know what’s happening anymore. I don’t know where I am, but I can hear a wailing sound. Sirens, I think. And a voice. 
‘It’s ok, Kim, I’m here… you’re gonna be ok, stay with us. Please.’ 
My eyes are open but I can’t see. I keep seeing flashes of white light and red and other movements, but I can’t see properly. Someone takes my hand. I squeeze very tightly and hear the voice again. ‘Please, Kimberley. Please hold on. I need you. I…I love you.’ 

Cheryl’s POV 

I call out these words desperately as the paramedic starts pulling needles out, ready to pump her full of God knows what. ‘What’s happening to her? Is she going to be ok? Why’s she breathing like that?’ 
I keep asking questions as the ambulance speeds through town, the sirens blaring. But the paramedic in the back with me has questions of his own. ‘Does she have type one diabetes or type two?’ 
‘I don’t know…’ 
‘You don’t know?’ 
‘I didn’t know she was diabetic until half an hour ago! What’s happening to her? Can she hear us?’ 
‘Never mind… we’ll be able to determine that at the hospital…’ 
‘Can she hear me?’ I ask again. ‘Kimba? Kim, I’m here babe…’ 
‘I don’t think she even knows where she is.’ He says harshly. ‘What’s her name?’ 
‘Kimberley, Kimberley Walsh. She’s twenty.’ 
‘When did she last take insulin?’ 
‘She said…yesterday morning… but I don’t know exactly what time.’ 


We arrive at the hospital and they rush Kimberley straight through, talking a load of medical jargon I don’t understand. But the second I’m in the hospital I feel sick, sick with memories and feelings I thought were buried deep, surfacing again. 

I follow the gathering of doctors into a room and watch as they hook her up to all sorts of machines. She looks so small. Her eyes are still open, and she is looking around. ‘Excuse me, miss? Are you with her?’ 
I look up at the doctor addressing me and nod. ‘Talk to her. Tell her it’s ok, reassure her.’ 
The paramedics who brought us in leave and I take their place next to Kimberley, taking her hand. ‘Kimba? Look at me, babe. Hey, it’s gonna be ok, you’re gonna be ok now. You’re in hospital…Kim?’ 
Her eyes flicker and close, and one of the machines start beeping frantically. One of the doctors force me aside, out of the way. ‘What’s happening? Kim?!’ 
‘I need you to come outside.’ One of the doctors puts an arm around me and starts guiding me towards the doors. ‘No, I can’t leave her alone!’ 
‘She’s in good hands. Come on, come with me, I’ll get you a coffee.’ 

I find myself sat on a window ledge outside the room she is in, clutching a plastic cup. I’ve already managed to burn myself with its contents because my hands are shaking so badly, but I don’t care. The doctor sits next to me with a heavy sigh. ‘I’m Dan. You’re Cheryl Cole aren’t you?’ 
‘Woah. Wow, that’s… sorry. Who’s you’re friend? Or relative?’ 
‘Friend. She… from home. I’m supposed to be taking care of her…’ More tears spill from my eyes and I just let them fall. My jeans are soaking wet anyway, and full of sand. 
‘And you didn’t know she was diabetic?’ 
‘She didn’t tell us… we haven’t known each other long… but I… I never noticed, how didn’t I see…’ 

I lift my head and look at Doctor Dan, his expression sympathetic. ‘What’s wrong with her? Seriously. I need to know. Please.’ 
He sighs heavily again and rubs his eyes. ‘Ketoacidosis is a process the body takes when it doesn’t receive insulin. That’s what Kimberley’s body is doing now.’ 
‘What happens? She’ll be ok now, won’t she, she’s being treated.’ 
‘I…I don’t know. You’ll have to speak to someone treating her.’ 
‘What are they doing in there?’ I stand up, slamming the cup of cold coffee down on the window ledge. Doctor Dan stands up too, looking ready to hold me back. ‘They’re helping her. Just let them do their job, Ms Cole.’ 

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