Chapter: 38

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Chapter Thirty Eight

I edge closer, glaring through the glass doors, scouring the gaggle of photographers, passing over one face then the other. 

I jump when my phone rings and pull it from my pocket, my hands still shaking. I stop a passing nurse. ‘Can I use this in here?’ 
‘Yes love, you can use it in reception.’ 
‘Thanks.’ I answer the call and raise the phone to my ear. 

‘Hi, Kate.’ 
‘Hey Kimberley, how’re you? You busy?’ 
‘Actually I… I’m in the hospital.’ 
‘What? Is everything alright?’ 
‘Well… you’ll probably hear about it soon anyway, Cheryl’s been in an accident.’ 
‘Oh my goodness, is she alright?!’ 
‘I don’t know.’ I admit, my voice breaking slightly. 
‘Are you alone?’ 
‘Err… her brothers here but he’s being seen to…’ 
‘D’you want me to come? I pass it on the way home anyway. You shouldn’t be by yourself.’ 
‘N-no, it’s alright… I should be with her. It’s ok. But thank you.’ 
‘If you need anything you know where I am.’ 
‘That’s really nice, thanks.’ 
‘It’s fine, and don’t worry about work, just give me a call when she’s all better and we’ll arrange to meet.’ 

I hang up and turn around, slowly making my way back to Cheryl’s room, turning my phone off on the way. 

I should be with her. This is stupid. My hands are still shaking with fury, but I try and put it to the back of my mind. Cheryl would be heartbroken if she saw how angry I was, what I was just thinking about doing. 

I raise my head and realise I’ve come the wrong way; I’ve got no idea where I am. Cheryl never came down this way. I turn around to go back and freeze. 

I see him. He’s there, in his biker jacket. His big camera is gone, but as he turns into the toilets I see the little disposable camera in his hand, the thing that has his attention, that prevents him from looking up and seeing me. 

I can’t help it. I follow him. 

Silently I step into the men’s toilets. He’s walking slowly, winding the camera. He starts to turn when he hears the door close, and that’s when I lunge.

I drive my fist into his stomach, then slam my other elbow into his head, sending him straight to the floor. Stepping over him, I grab the neck of his jacket and drag him into one of the cubicles, closing the door and standing over him. He looks like a little weed, to be honest. Not the kind of guy you’d expect to drive a motorbike. More the kind of guy you’d expect to see in museums with a big rucksack or something. 

‘Wh-what do you want, what--’ 
‘Are you happy?’ I whisper threateningly. ‘Is this what you wanted you twisted little freak, do you ride around putting people in hospital all for the sake of a f*cking picture?’ 
‘I- I d-didn’t mean to.’ He stammers. He has tears in his eyes. ‘I never meant to hurt anyone, I s-swear, I just--’ 
‘Don’t you dare try and justify what you’ve done.’ I say loudly. ‘I hope you know, you sick, twisted individual, if she dies…’ I crouch lower and curl my hand around his throat. He’s openly crying now. ‘If anything happens to her, you can run from here, but I will hunt you to the ends of the earth and make you pay, do you understand?’ 
‘I don’t… I d-didn’t—Please--’ 
‘You could’ve killed the one person who—you know what, you’re not worth it.’

I grab the camera, lying on the floor next to him, and drop it into the toilet, then let go of him and stand up, backing away. ‘Did you get your picture?’ 
‘Did you get your picture? That was what you wanted wasn’t it? Did you get it?’ 
He doesn’t answer, just staring at me, terrified. 
‘Get a real job, you pathetic little man.’ 

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